enickel (25 Oct 2020)
"Sheep/Goat Judgement"

Timing-when Lord returns at end of Tribulation.
Gathering of nations ( gentiles) Mat 25:32
Grace no longer in effect but works for some years.
Resurrection has been over for some years.
All gentiles in this judgement are unrighteous.
Judgement based on works--feed the hungry, give drink, clothing, visited while in prison, help the sick, ect.
Jesus represents the jewish people fleeing Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15-21)
Gentiles who did not assist the jewish people are considered goats and go to eternal punishment. Sheep enter the Kingdom of God in the flesh because of their works.  One third of the jews who survive the Tribulation enter the Kingdom of God for in the flesh. Although long life is given to these who enter God's Kingdom, death still prevails.