Dennis Pittinger (25 Oct 2020)
"More on Donald Trump, 2020, and the end times"

Dear Doves,

Anyone who has been following this site for any length of time should be aware by now that as strange as it may seem to some people, Donald Trump is a major sign of the soon return of the Messiah. Below are some indicators and signs about Trump and some other things that I do not believe have been pointed out yet:

Trump is the 45th President and Hebrew has 22 letters, and the reciprocal of 22 or one divided by 22 is .04545454545...

The number nine in Bible numerology has the meaning of finality and judgement, and 4 plus 5 equals 9.

One of the names of God is YHVH which has a gematria value of 26, and 26 squared plus 45 squared equals 2701, which is the gematria of Genesis 1:1.

4 times 5 equals 20, possibly alluding to this pivotal year, 2020.

The 22nd Hebrew letter is Tav and has a gematria of 400, and it is associated with the end, and 20 times 20 as in the year 2020 equals 400.

The dimensions of the Holy of Holies in the First Temple were 20 cubits long by 20 cubits wide, or 20x20 cubits, again possibly alluding to 2020.

45 reversed is 54, and the 10 Commandments begin at Exodus 20:2 which is the 54th paragraph of Exodus.

Exodus 20:2 (again possibly alluding to 2020) begins with the 107,000th letter after the first word of the Torah, beresheet, and 2020 is the 107th leap year.

The year 2020 has been dominated by the Coronavirus pandemic, corona is Spanish for crown, the Hebrew word for crown is keter which has a gematria of 620, the Hebrew word for 20, esrim, has a gematria of 620.