Cliff (25 Oct 2020)
"Who is the Antichrist"

How is it that the body of Christ is still unanimously stumped concerning the identity of the Antichrist and False Prophet in these last days? It appears that the prophecy of Isaiah 6 has become true amongst the Christians as well.  Isaiah 6:10 states; Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.  The bible is clear that we were meant to understand all things.  To seek truth out diligently.

            •           My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you,  So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding;  Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding,  If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures;  Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; (Proverbs 2:1-6)

            •           It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2)

            •           Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32)

            •           My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. (Hosea 4:6)

The coming deception is going to be so great, with all powers, signs and lying wonders, that even the elect of God are at risk of being trapped by the deception.  The deception that Adam and Eve were subjected to will pale in comparison to what is coming.  Miracles, resurrections, fire coming down from heaven, fallen angels, and a new perverted gospel with explosive evidence to back it up to replace the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Folks, this is the moment where enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent will climax in a final show down.  Is this end time generation equipped for what is coming?  Will anyone hold fast to the gospel of Jesus Christ and remain standing after being subjected to this demonic display of power and lies?  In Jesus Christ’s own words, “Will I find any faith when I return?” No wonder Jesus tells us that “many are called but few are chosen”.  For us to even begin to stand a chance, we need to thoroughly understand one of the greatest mysteries written in the bible.  This Mystery is known as the Mystery of Iniquity.  I will attempt to expose this mystery brick by brick, point by point, so help us God.

The Devil is the fallen Cherubim who led worship in Heaven.  The Cherubim are a class of Angels created by God to guard.  They surround the throne of God.  The Devil (One of the Cherubims wanted to be like God.  This has been his motive since the day he rebelled against God.  He desired to be worshiped as God by the other angels and by mankind.  He possessed such a powerful ability to deceive that he managed to deceive one third of the angels in heaven as well as Adam and Eve. The Devil's rebellious actions profoundly damaged creation in heaven and on earth, requiring the life and blood of the creator himself  to unravel the damage that was done.  How was Satan able to deceive the hosts of heaven and mankind to the point where creation turned away from God?  This is a very powerful enemy creation is up against. Why has Satan been as successful as he has been?  This point is important to understand to fully comprehend how Satan operates and how he will operate in the end times. 

The single most potent attribute that Satan possesses is his ability to mimic God and the plan of God, but in a perverted counterfeit fashion.  He copies everything that God does but in a counterfeit way.  This is how he has been so successful to date.  This is Satans mode of operation.  He has perfected the game of deception.  He and his followers parade themselves as angels of light and servants of righteousness.  Here are but a few ways how Satan has copied God and the plan of God

           • Jesus begins his ministry after coming out of the water, the kingdom of the beast rises out of the sea.

            •           Jesus’ earthly ministry and authority lasted for 3 ½ years, the Antichrists earthly ministry and authority will last 3 ½ years as well in the end times.

            •           God sent forth Elijah in the form of John the Baptist to prepare the way for his arrival as a front runner, Satan sends the false prophet as his front runner to prepare for the arrival of the Antichrist.  By the way, the false prophet is here already on the world stage, ready to fulfill prophecy.  I will expose to you who he is in this article.

            •           Jesus Christ was alive on earth, was crucified and died, after his crucifiction was raised to life and ascended into heaven.  The Antichrist we are told in revelation 17:8 was (alive), and is not (died), and will ascend out of the bottomless pit.  And all dwellers on earth will marvel to see the resurrection of the Antichrist and will believe the Antichrist to be god.

            •           Jesus Christ built his Church which he refers to as a woman or his bride.  Satan also built his church which the bible references as a harlot, a prostitute or counterfeit/ apostate church. 

Every single detail of Satan plan is a corrupted version of Gods real plan.  His ability to camouflage and to parade himself as an angel of light is what makes Satan potent in the game of deception.  Many who follow Satan truly believe they are following God.  Those who are able to understand Satans mode of operation through the Spirit of Jesus Christ can see through this deception.  At which point, Satan becomes powerless. 

One of the greatest and least understood mysteries in the bible is the Mystery of Iniquity.  What is this mystery and what does it entail?  Understanding this mystery completely unmasks the system of the beast and the coming deception.  The entire body of Christ would prevail against Satan’s final end game if they could come to an understanding of this mystery. 

            •           The Apostle Paul explains that this mystery of iniquity involves the revealing of the prince who is to come, the son of perdition or better known as the antichrist.  He further explains that the lawless work to bring this about is already at work.  This lawless work is demonic and is exceedingly evil.  When this lawless work of the end game is revealed, the lie is so big and so compelling, that it will sweep the entire world of its feet.  The big lie comes with all false signs, powerful wonders and miracles.  As a result, the world will believe the lie.  All but a very few who truly have the Spirit of Christ in them.  God sends out a delusion to those who failed to come to an understanding of the truth, that they should believe this big lie.  Why does the revealing of the son of perdition require this lawless work?  Because Satan is attempting to play God again by doing exactly what God did in Jesus Christ.  Satan will mimic God once again in a final and explosive deception Resurrection of a man from the dead in full view of the world accompanied by signs and lying wonders.This person the world saw live, then die, then come back to life will claim to be Christ , to the absolute astonishment and amazement of the world.  I will expose who this man is in this article.  This is the powerful lawless work or mystery of iniquity that will climax before the eyes of the world, to deceive the entire world.

            •           The Angel in Revelation 17:7-8 explains this mystery of iniquity beautifully.  “But the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. 8 The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”    THIS IS THE MYSTERY.  THE ANGEL EVEN USES THE WORD MYSTERY.  The entire world will see the Antichrist who was a man who lived, than died and came back to life after ascending out of the bottomless pit.  This demonic work of deception will win the entire world over.  Except those who know their God in Spirit and Truth.

            •           Revelation 13:3-4 further details this mystery.  “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”  The deadly wound would be healed, and the Antichrist would come back to life after having died, to the astonishment of the world. 

            •  So the Antichrist will be a very popular world figure that many in this end time generation admired while he was alive.  He is a man who died and was heavily mourned by many in the World.  When this man is raised from the dead and returns in angelic form (demonically inspired), ; to be Christ the savior of the world, the world will bow down to him in worship.  The Antichrist will arrive onto the world stage at a time of unprecedented world chaos, world wars, famine, economic collapse, distress, death, claiming to be the savior of all mankind and claiming to have the solutions to all problems.  These unprecedented world events will result in most people being completely disillusioned with Christianity.  Their spirits at that time will be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to look for hope.  Sadly, the dwellers on earth will end up receiving the doctrine of the devil, brought finally out in the public view and accompanied by all false signs, miracles and lying wonders, just as the bible foretells.

In order to begin to identify who the Antichrist and False Prophet are, we need to understand where they come from.

 The Antichrist comes in the place of Christ.  He is the false savior or false Jesus Christ.  He will look, feel, act and talk like Jesus Christ.  He will claim to be Jesus Christ and will show the signs and miracles.  The dwellers on earth will be deceived, thinking he is Christ, and will follow him. 

            •  The Antichrist, is a wolf in sheeps clothing.  He will look and feel like the Sheppard of the sheep, but in reality he serves the devil. 

            •  In Jesus’ on words “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. (Acts 20:29)

              Jesus further tells us “I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” (John 5:43)  The Antichrist will follow in Jesus’ footsteps and will be received by the world.

            •  Jesus further warns us “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”  (Matthew 7:15).  We are to be looking inside the Church for the Antichrist who is a wolf parading himself as a sheep in Christian clothing.  We are not to be looking for hyenas, jackals and wild dogs.   That would be too obvious and does not qualify as deception.  I do not believe that a single Christian would accept a Muslim man claiming to be Christ .  A prominent Christian or Jewish who was greatly loved returning to life claiming to be Christ the Messiah would stand a much better chance. 

            • The Apostle Paul states; For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).  Satan and his Antichrist will present themselves and God/ Jesus Christ returned.  They will present themselves as Christians. 

            •           The Apostle John states; “Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.” (1 John 2:18-19).  He clearly states that the Antichrist went out from them but was not of them, again reinforcing the fact the Antichrist who takes the place of Christ will parade himself as a Christian.


Now that we have established that the Antichrist will come out of the Christian Church, let us attempt to identify where in the Christian church he will come out of using scripture.


            • The prophet Daniel gives two key clues concerning to the origin of the Antichrist.

            •  Daniel 9:26 states “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.  The people of the prince who is to come who killed Messiah in 33 AD were the Romans.  The people who destroyed the sanctuary and the city in 70 AD were the Romans.  The Kingdom of the Antichrist is Roman. 

            •           Nebuchadnezzar dream of the statue representing the succession of Babylonian kingdoms that would carry Nimrods mantle of babylonianism gives away the identity of the kingdom of the antichrist as well.  The prophet Daniel interprets that last kingdom, the iron mixed with clay, to be the revived Roman empire.

            •           Revelation 17 calls the kingdom of the Antichrist a great harlot and the mother of all harlots.  A harlot or unfaithful woman is a counterfeit church or apostate church.  Unlike the bride of Christ which is the true Church.

            •           One of the seven Church’s is the harlot, the throne of Satan.  The Church of Pergamos in Revelation 2:12-17 is identified as being the “Throne of Satan”.

Revelation 17 gives a detailed description of this Harlot kingdom.

            •           She wears scarlet and purple.  The catholic bishops wear scarlet and the catholic cardinals wear purple.  Anyone watching an event hosted at the Vatican will quickly take notice of the fanfare of scarlet and purple.  The colors of the garments of the Aaronic priests in the book of Exodus were scarlet, purple and blue.  Again Satan copies two of the colors and leaves the third one out.

            •           She drinks from a Gold cup full of impurities from her sexual immorality.  The catholic communion cup is the Gold cup.  The gold cup is full of impurities from her ritualistic homosexuality conducted appease the demonic spirits they worship.  The contents of the cup are given to the faithful to keep them spiritually drunk. 

            •           She is adorned with gold, jewels and pearls.  The Papal Tiara is adorned with sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and other gems.  The Vatican is full of gold fixtures, gold furniture and gold prayer untensils. 

            •           She is seated on many waters.  Many waters means many peoples.  The catholic church exists in every single country, city and rural village in the world.  It is managed like a corporation in a very structured way with the Pope as Pontiff Maximus and Vicar of Christ “In Place of Christ”. 

            •           She is committing fornication with the kings of the earth.  She controls every country through secret societies whose members are the heads of state and elite of every country in the world.  These secret societies include; freemasonry, illuminati, skull and bones, knights Templar, knights of Columbus, knights of Malta, knights of the Equestrian order, knights of St John, Opus Dei, the Mafia, and many many others.  And they are all controlled by the Jesuit Order under the supreme control of the Jesuit Superior General known as the Black Pope.  Rome is that great city which rules over all the kings of the world (Revelation 17:18)

            •           She is drunk with the blood of the Saints.  The catholic church is a monstrous so called Christian killing machine built by the Devil himself.  Skull worship, praying to dead saints, upside down crosses, sun bursts, pine cones, pine trees, obelisks, rosaries, pentagrams, pyramids, crescent moons, serpent staffs, idol worship, kissing graven images, pedophilia and sun sex worship.  The Pagan garb and the fish hat of the god Dagon they wear all gives the away.  Not to mention the blood of over 66 million dead Christians that they have murdered as spelled out throughout the history books.  The Jesuits have infiltrated every single seat of power on this planet and have fomented every major war the world has seen.  Revelation 18:24 states: 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.”

            •           The protestant  movement of the 1500’s led by Spirit filled individuals such as Martin Luther, John Knox, John Calvin all identified the Catholic Church as the seat of Antichrist. 

            •           On her forehead was written Mystery, Bablyon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.  Catholicism is purely Babylonian masked under a cloak of Christianity to conceal her mystery.  It is the religion of Nimrod, Tammuz, Osiris, Issis, Horus, Set, Egypt, Semiramis, Asherah, Ishtar, Baal, Molech.

            •           No other entity on planet earth matches every single description of the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel like the Catholic Church.  God says “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” and once again we find another prophecy come true.  And yet the world bows down today to them and will continue to bow down to them, just as God said they would, to their destruction. 

Now that we know who this woman or counterfeit Church is, let us easily identify the Antichrist and False prophet.  What you find is once you identify this apostate church, all other prophecies concerning the identities of the AntiChrist and False Prophet fall right into place.

            •           “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition. (Revelation 17:9-11)

            •           The seven Kings of revelation are referred to as the 7 heads on the seven headed beast in Revelation 13.  Revelation 17 and Revelation 13 are parallel prophecies.

            •           The Vatican is an absolute Monarchy with Pope as King.  The Popes became Kings after the founding of the Vatican city/state in 1929 when Italy and the Papacy signed the Lateran treaty. Since this date, five have fallen (Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul I).  Following these five who have fallen are John Paul 2 and Benedict 16.  It is key to note that Benedict completes the 7 headed beast.  No other Pope coming after Benedict is King.  None.  Pope Francis is not one of the 7 heads.  The 8th and final King is strictly one of the prior 7 Kings or beast heads.  Pope Francis is the lamblike beast or the second beast that comes out of the earth, so is a man.  He is one of the false prophets as discussed towards the end of this write up.  He is the front runner.  The 8th and final King will only appear on the world stage after his front runner has prepared the way for his arrival, similar to how John the Baptist prepared the way for the arrival of Jesus Christ.  Remember, Satan mimics God and the plan of God. The Antichrist will present himself as Christ and will appear to be in glorified angelic form similar to how Christ was.  Not in earthly form.  His front runner who is in earthly form is the biblical false prophet who prepares the way for world adoration of the antichrist.  

            •           The 6th King of revelation is the one referred to in the bible as “One Is”.  This is a HUGE clue.  The prior 5 have fallen.  The one after him stays on a short while.  The 6th King is the ONE WHO IS.   He is the one who would return to life after dying, who would ascend out of the bottomless pit to become the 8th and final King.  The Antichrist we are clearly told is one of the 7 kings.  The 6th king was the one who suffers the deadly wound but the wound healed, he is the one who blasphemes God by calling himself God on earth or the Vicar of Christ, he is the one who precedes the 7th King who stays on a short while then resigns. 

            •           Pope John Paul II, is the 6th King.  He suffered the deadly wound in 1981 when he was fatally shot in 1981 but survived, fulfilling the deadly wound prophecy.  He will fulfill the deadly wound prophecy once again when the mystery of iniquity is complete, and he is raised back to life to the astonishment of the world.  His body will be used by the antichrist , the son of perdition JUDAS ISCARIOT  YES Judas will return for the final showdown with Jesus.As is written the seed of the serpent shall bruise the heel of the seed of the woman that happened on the crucifix at Calvary now what is left is for the seed of the woman to crush the head of the serpent (Antichrist) at amergedon.Judas Iscariot (the son of perdition) in the body of John Paul II is the beast who was, and is not and ascends out of the bottomless pit to reign again as the 8th and final King and go to Perdition.

            •           The 7th King was Benedict, who still continues to live after his reign for a short while as the bible predicted, in fulfillment of bible prophecy.  He was the first Pope in 600 years to retire after having served 8 years as Pope.

            •           The trapezoidal shape of his coffin is no coincidence.  This shape is used in occultism to channel in demonic energy.  Lead is used to trap and contain this energy so it accumulates to the point where the entity in the coffin reaches the point of demonic spiritual rebirth.  This is the mystery of iniquity in action.  Judas Iscariot in the body of John Paul II will rise from the dead to the astonishment of the world.  He will claim to be Christ returned, and the world will believe the lie, just as the bible foretells the Antichrist rising out of the bottomless pit after having died.

So how about Pope Francis? Is he not the 8th King?  The answer is no as explained above.  He is continueing the reign of the 7th king because the 7th king Benedict xvi is still alive.The bible is clear that there are only 7 Kings in total(And the 7the is not dead).  The 8th and final King is of the original 7 Kings.  The 8th King is the 6th King who is identified as “One Is”.  Pope Francis is the second beast that comes out of the earth.  He is the Biblical False Prophet. 

            •           Pope Francis as mentioned is front runner preparing the way of the Antichrist.  He is the false “John the Baptist”.  John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord.  Pope Francis cannot possibly be the Biblical Antichrist.  He is not one of the 7 and he did not resurrect from the dead.  Remember that when the Antichrist arrives, the whole world will marvel at his resurrection and would worship him in the place of God.  Pope Francis is clearly not the antichrist.  The Antichrist will be in angelic form and will deceive the world into thinking he is Jesus Christ.  Pope Francis is the second beast, the man beast he forces all to worship the antichrist. 

            •           The false prophet acts like a lamb and speaks like a dragon.  I must say Pope Francis he is doing a brilliant job fulfilling this prophecy. He clothes himself in humility, talks peace and equality, but he is orchestrating all the trouble in the world today through his diabolical secret societies.  He works iniquity in disguise while kissing babies and waving at the crowds who kneel down to him and worship him.  He speaks like a dragon in saying homosexuals and atheist will go to heaven.  He claims that Jesus is a man and not a Spirit, thereby denying the divinity of Jesus.  He claims God does not have the power to create and needed the mechanics of evolution to create.  He speaks like a dragon.