Cliff (18 Oct 2020)
"Who is mystery Babylon"

Hi jon

As I promised in my last post, I'll expose mystery babylon of Revelation 17. First off I must emphasize that the woman called mystery babylon is a dual entity.She represents not only babylon the nation but also  babylon the religion.
That is why you see babylon is destroyed by the ten kings (who are with the beast) in Rev17:15-18, and then you read babylon is again destroyed in Rev16:19 by God.

To prove that the woman who rides the beast the beast are not the same entity,John in revelation 17 is said to have marvelled at the woman, the angel actually confirming it by asking him why he marvelled. But look at this, in that same chapter of Revelation 17 it is declared that whoever marvels at the beast is NOT in the LAMB's book of life ,so unless the apostle John (Jesus desciple he loved) is not in the book of life then the woman he marvelled at mystery Babylon is not the same entity as the beast.The reason i'm emphasising this is because the bible did not want there to be confusion between the woman called mystery Babylon and the beast that carries her.

Mystery Babylon represents a nation and a religion.I want to touch on which nation it represents.

In that same chapter Revelation 17 from verse 16 you read about the ten kings hating the woman and destroying her with fire and why do they hate her because God has put it into their hearts so that they will destroy her. But for what reason? Simple so that the beast becomes the new world superpower.
So what does that mean? It means whichever nation is the world dominating superpower at the time the great tribulation is about to begin IS mystery Babylon.
Now Daniel 7 also helps us in spotting who this nation is, Daniel says Babylon the nation which he represented with a symbol of a lion with eagle's wings had his eagles wings plucked off.The eagles wings are a part of and represent babylon just as every other part of the lion does, you could say the wings are an off-shoot of babylon.but where did these eagles wings of Babylon go ...mmm
Which nation has the the eagle as its symbol, which nation is the world superpower simple AMERICA. To further confirm it you can read Revelation 18 America is described there with amazing accuracy.

So in conclusion for the Roman empire and its king(the Antichrist) to take over, the current superpower (mystery babylon) at that time will have to go.As the angel in Revelation 18 says woe to Babylon for in one hour your doom has come.