Chance (18 Oct 2020)
"For Those Interested In Pastor Dana's October Dream"


Hello John and Doves,
For those of you following Pastor Dana's dreams, we are in that two week period of October that his attention was drawn to in his 'October' dream - the 2nd and 3rd full weeks of October would be Sunday, October 11 to Saturday, October 24, approximately.  A finger appeared in his dream and drew lines through these two weeks.  Link below if you wish to peruse this.
First thing he saw was a rock from the sky that landed in a large pond - the ripples started out small then they became viscous waves.  This could be a description of what was to come in those two weeks....something 'appears' or is made known that initially causes only a small impact, but over time it becomes more and more significant.
He saw federally elected officials, specific state governors, agency leaders, faces he recognized, along with radicals/protesters.  And they had wicks coming out of their heads - like firecracker wicks.
In the second week of October he saw all of those wicks simultaneously lit on fire.  The people were talking - then they started getting animated, then yelling screaming and their facial images went from normal and calm, to red-faced 'jumping to an absolute out of your mind primal scream'.  Everyone's head then blows up, all at the same time.
This is the part of his dream I want to focus on.
When I first listened to Pastor Dana describe this dream, I thought that something happens - some bit of news comes out that 'offends' the Democrats/Liberals - probably with their candidate Biden because of their reaction - 'their heads exploded'.  That's a term that had been used when Trump won 2016 and the reaction on the Left was described as 'their heads had exploded' - so whatever sets them off, had to be something BIG.
In the dream, the 'radicals/protesters' heads have wicks - that's not Republicans/Trump supporters - those are Democrat supporters - BLM/Antifa/Marxists/AOC, Bernie supporters/Liberals/Progressives, etc.  So, the "federally elected officials, specific state governors, agency leaders" with wicks in their heads are 'Democrats, RINOs' - supporters of Democrats/Leftists agenda.  This identifies the side or party. And Pastor Dana said he recognized them but he didn't give any names. 
Maybe these people with the wicks thought 'this something big' had been successfully covered up or discredited and if it did come up again, it could be easily passed off as 'nothing'...but whatever it is, it ends up being too big for the news/people to ignore - and their failed attempts at shoving this under the rug only to have it become prime news sets them off big time.  I thought possibly, something with Biden - some news about something he'd done.  Of course, Burisma/Ukraine came to mind...but that was 'shoved under the rug' a year ago when President Trump was impeached for Ukraine dealings.  The Democrats considered that a done deal.  No worries now - Biden can run for president and no one will be the wiser.  And any attempts at bringing it back up would be denied and squashed.
And look what just 'fell out of the woodwork' this week, on Wednesday 10/14 - Hunter Biden's laptop!  I don't see this as a coincident - of all weeks for this to come out. 
The Left has censored anyone on twitter from mentioning/quoting the article in the NYPost that broke the story about Hunter Biden's laptop. Saying, something like, 'Gee, Twitter's censoring/blocking just PROVES that this is a conspiracy theory; proves it's a lie by those who want to harm Joe Biden's election to the presidency - a move by the Republicans to discredit Biden. A smear campaign!  No one will believe this.'  The attorney for Hunter Biden said Giuliani "has been pushing widely discredited conspiracy theories about the Biden family, open relying on actors tied to Russian intelligence."  (It's always 'the Russians' fault')
Hunter Biden email story: Computer repair store owner describes handing over laptop to FBI | Fox News
And true to form, the FBI is investigating this as "Russian information"!  You just can't make this up.
The FBI Is Investigating Hunter Biden, but the Reason Will Make You Angry
The FBI is as dirty as they come.  Obama had 8 years to stock the FBI with Deep State supporters.  And it's paying off - the FBI is protecting their own.  The FBI had this harddrive since December of 2019 - during President Trump's impeachment hearing.  And they did nothing with this information, of course. It could have helped the president with his case.
"Despite last night's "apology" from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Twitter and Facebook are already censoring Thursday's latest Hunter Biden expose' from the NY Post.
Latest Cache Of Emails Detail How Hunter Biden Earned Millions In China "For Introductions" | Zero Hedge
Well, this story is getting some major traction.  I read that the Biden campaign has not denied anything...yet.
Here is one article about this unfolding bombshell bit of news:
Hunter Biden email story: Computer repair store owner describes handing over laptop to FBI | Fox News
Isaac is the store owner that ended up with Hunter Biden's laptop (I'm going with this and the other info as fact although the news hasn't gone there...yet.)  I have listened to an interview with Isaac.  "The FBI first made a forensic copy of the laptop, then returned weeks later with a subpoena and confiscated it.  When he stopped hearing from the FBI, Isaac said he contacted several members of Congress, who did not respond.  At that point, his intermediary reached out to Rudy Giuliani's attorney, Robert Costello."  (quote from the above link).  I'd like to know who those 'several members of Congress' are.
Another thing that has come out, "At one point, Isaac claimed the FBI agents he spoke to suggested he should not discuss the contents of Hunter's laptop publicly.  "The told me that nothing happens to people who don't talk, the FBI, and that made me sacred, because that's not something I would expect the highest branch of..  " was more along the lines of, in our experience when stuff like this happens nothing every bad happens to people that keep quiet," he added."  Isaac was threatened by the FBI to keep this quiet, or else. (quote from the below link)
IMO, Isaac was smart going to the FBI first - he said it was 'the right thing to do given the magnitude of the material in his possession."  Then when the FBI "dropped the ball" on this, he went to Giuliani's lawyer.  This way, the Dems can't say he didn't report this correctly to the proper authorities.
AUDIO: Man Who Had Hunter Biden's Laptop Suggests There's More, Hints At FBI Coverup, Fears Assassination - National File
THEY have tried to stop this news from spreading - starting with the FBI 'ignoring' the information on the laptop -  called it a conspiracy theory, they have tried to discredit the source, and those involved in getting this information to the public... this isn't going away.  I hope it blows this Ukraine/China/Biden case wide open.  The Biden campaign called a "lid" on Wednesday shortly after the information about his son broke in the news.
In initial reports, I had heard there were emails from foreign officials and high ups in foreign companies, and private Biden/family pictures on the laptop.  And there is much more still to come.
Latest Cache Of Emails Detail How Hunter Biden Earned Millions In China "For Introductions" | Zero Hedge
This has the potential for getting much worse for the Bidens.  Depending what all is on the hard drive.
Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Takes a Dark Turn -- FBI's Top Lawyer on Child Porn Involved in Case
And, to add to Biden's troubles, a Senate committee is investigating this 'cache of documents' - "The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed it is working with the verify documents from the hard drive.  "There are so many red flags about the Biden family trying to cash in on the Vice President's position that it can be hard to keep them straight," Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis) told the Post.  "What we know for a fact is that Hunter Biden took millions of dollars from foreign nationals including, the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow, people tied to the Chinese Communist Party and other unsavory characters.  Joe Biden needs to finally come clean and tell the truth to the American people about all of these issues, and he needs to do it now."
GOP House members: Did FBI have Hunter Biden laptop during Trump impeachment?
This could be what triggers the people in Pastor Dana's dream...all of this is damning to the Biden campaign.  THEY thought this was 'history'.  And then this laptop shows up, right during the 'second week'. 
As I wrote above - I don't believe in coincidences - of all weeks this could have come out and the FBI had this laptop since 2019 and Isaac could have passed on this info to Rudy Giuliani much earlier in the year.  It could have come out weeks/months ago.  But it looks like it was 'meant' to come out now.  
We still have the third week of October for this to continue.....this coming week.  We'll see what happens.  This might be what is needed to push a majority win for Trump in the election. 
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

God's Latest Warning About October - Pastor Dana Coverstone - YouTube
To continue summarizing Pastor Dana's dream - for October:
The protests went up another notch - the protesters began to assault other protesters who weren't as violent "as they should be".  He saw elderly people being attacked by these violent protesters - these 'elderly' people were the ones that hold the Constitution and flag dear, have common sense values and Biblical principles  - even going into nursing homes/facilities to attack older people. 
He saw what looked like the 'dollar' loosing 2/3 of its value.  He mentions 'the death of the dollar'. He saw puffed up pastors and prophets - who spoke up against  persecution coming - they promised prosperity, health, wealth and only good things.  They were exposed for their false ministries.  Then he describes voters being hindered from voting at venues; these clowns were doing everything they could to prevent people from voting.. 
It's in this dream that he saw this big billboard and on it is written:  Passover 2021.  Big things are coming for the world  Big things are coming for the world.  Then this white figure appeared and said,  "Do not stop bracing for the storm will not pass until I stop the storm. So brace, brace, brace yourselves and don't look back."
This was all in his October dream - with special attention to the above two weeks plus October 31 where the finger tapped the date and then held it.  Whatever that means.