A Goodrick (25 Oct 2020)
"I Pin My Soul to No Man's Back"

John and Doves,

The Pope recently hit an all time low with his statement that "we can only be saved together".
It was in his encyclical,
"No One is Saved Alone".


Since there is nothing in Scripture to support this statement, and in fact there is plenty to oppose that heresy, we must open up the Light of truth.

The Bible tells us that in these Last Days, there would be damnable heresies and doctrines of devils. 
1 Timothy 4:1
2 Peter 2:1

He that spreads heresy 
sins, and condemns himself.
Titus 3:10

We are most assuredly saved *alone* and in fact
cannot be saved collectivley.

To be Born-Again means to have a *personal*
relationship with Jesus Christ. Intimate and alone.

Nicodemas came alone.
"Unless a man be Born-Again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
John 3:3

Sir Thomas More, Chancellor to King Henry the 8th, bravely made it known that he pinned his soul to no man's back.
He made that statement to stand against all his peers who were pressuring him to condone
the King's adulterous marriage.
Thomas would not do that because of his own personal convictions.
He stood alone.

Why is the Pope pushing collective-salvation ?
Because his handlers of the New World Order want
Collective-obedience of the masses when offered 
the 666 Mark of the beast. Rev.13:16-18.

If the Chief Executive of Guilt Inc. can make us crave herd mentality, then manipulating the masses to receive the 666 Mark 
will be all the easier .

The Pope is also endorsing the Green theology of Gaia as our goddess over Mother Earth, guilting us into climate change obedience
to the One Worlders' dictates.
They are reversing God's
order of rule: man has dominion over the earth, not machivelian governance who wants earth to have dominion over man.
Genesis 1: 26 & 28


All this, 
plus abandoning true Faith by ecumenism, 
endorsing gay marriage,
Idols in the Vatican gardens, 
claiming that it is wrong to only believe in Jesus to be born again,
and other nonsense
has the media saying that the Pope is not Catholic.
Is he a Christian?

"I have decided to follow Jesus... 
"Though none go with me 
I still will follow...
No turning back, no turning back."

The thief on the cross came alone.