A Goodrick (25 Oct 2020)
"Multitudes in the Valley of Decision"

Joel 3:14
"Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Decision.
For the Day of the LORD
is near in the Valley of Decision."

John and Doves,

The coming elections, I feel, will be vastly different from all other elections in American History.

It is my belief that we will be voting between
Communism vs.

and between
Atheism vs. 
Cultural  Christianity

If that is so, then may
Trump win.

However, since I also believe that a double-game is being played out here, I will vote for neither candidate.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

When I stand before Almighty God on my day of accountability
(Luke 21:36),
I will have a clear conscience.

If my perception is wrong, 
then the following choices need to be made.

Why would I chose
Capitalism over Communism?

Capitalism believes in the
cooperation of Government with the rights of the individual.
Capitalism believes in private property and private ownership.
Micah 4:4

Communism believes in the rights of the Collective State, and not in the rights of the individual.
Communism believes that the individual has no rights except to serve
slavishly the whims of the State.
1 Samuel 8:10-22
1 Samuel 12: 12-21

Communism works best by infiltration than by invasion...infiltrating educational systems, etc.

They will lose Magog and possibly win America....
the shot *not* heard around the world.

Now you know why Bibles are disallowed in Communist countries.

"To not vote is to vote for *God* to rule in the affairs of man.
1 Samuel 12: 12 and 14

Daniel 4: 17, 25,  32
"till thou know that the Most High (El Elyon) ruleth in the kingdom of men,
and giveth it to whomsoever He will."

Psalm 14:1
"The fool hath said in his heart,
 "There is no God"

Psalm 53:1
"The fool hath said in his heart,
"There is no God".

This Psalm is repeated twice in Scipture to show the severity of the insanity
of not believing in a Divine Highest-Authority
over all....even over the State. El Elyon.

TRUE Christianity
1 Thessalonians 4:14
"If we believe that Jesus *died and rose* again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him."

CULTURAL Christianity 
Matthew 7: 21-23
"Not everyone that saith into Me,
"Lord, Lord,"  shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven, 
but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven".

May we all ask for great discernment when voting or not voting.
May we seek Wisdom and Understanding.
Proverbs Chapter 8 
(The Living Bible)
will greatly help.

Let no one intimidate you out of voting
-- or not voting-- 
your conscience.

A. Goodrick

"In the last days Timothy there will be traitors"
2 Timothy 3: 4 5

People will be so deceived that "if it were possible they would deceive the very elect".
Matthew 24: 24

"Let no one deceive you"
Matthew 24:4

"They shall deceive many."
Matthew 24: 5 and 11