A Goodrick (18 Oct 2020)
"I will Dine with You"


John and Doves,

One can easily see the day coming when worship will be outlawed altogether.
Worship has already been prohibited to Jews in New York on their High Holy Days this October 2020 in New Rochelle, West Chester County, Queens, Brooklyn, New York City, Rockland and Orange Counties, NY by Mayor Bill DiBlasio Warren Wilhelm Jr. and by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

And on the West Coast in California the antagonists against Christians and church/religious services are Governor Gavin Newsom ( nephew of Senator Nancy Pelosi) and also by Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles.
They prohibited any and all church services on our Highest Holy Day, Easter; and are continuing with strict limitations.

Judges (Psalm 82) are
involved in the following lawsuits. They fully know where all of this is
leading :
to the prohibition of religious freedom here in America and eventually around the world.

What comfort does our Lord give to those who are prisoners in their own homes ?

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."
Apocalypse 3: 20

What comforting words these are until He comes !