Leo Tavares  (28 Oct 2018)

Greetings in the flawless name of 2368

My latest article, entitled "QUANTUM GEMATRIA", has just been uploaded and can be seen here:https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/quantum-gematria

"QUANTUM GEMATRIA" is a term I have coined for an entirely new branch of mathematics/geometry that unites a principle of Quantum Physics (whereby NON-IDENTICAL objects are allowed to occupy the same space) with the ancient system of Biblical Numerics. I show how all my work on the first 37 atomic elements, the Fibonacci code of 19 and the 19 Mononuclidic/Monoisotopic elements are all geometrically tied together through what I call "GEOMETRIC CONVERGENCE". It is the most powerful evidence I've ever seen for not only the truth of Biblical Numerics, but of Biblical Theism itself.

One of the findings I highlight is "The Atomic Phi Star Of Jesus Christ". I previously showed how the nucleon counts of the first 37 atomic elements are literal "pointers" to the natural order/sequence of Composite numbers and how when they are placed in the form of a Hexagram, the Interior Star yields a sum of 754, which is the Hebrew numerical value of Jesus Christ (see my article entitled "Atomic Proof"). I also previously showed how the Prime Factorization sum of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers (with 19 being geometrically related to 37) yields the Greek numerical value of Jesus Christ (2368). Unbelievably, the sum of the "Phi Positions" of the 37 Composite numbers within "The Atomic Star" = 2368 + 4181 (with 4181 being the 19th Fibonacci number)!!! ...

Here are the “Phi Positions” of the COMPOSITE NUMBERS indexed to the nucleon numbers of the first 37 atomic elements:

 1) 4 = 11
 2) 9 = 7
 3) 14 = 254
 4) 16 = 219
 5) 20 = 19
 6) 21 = 54
 7) 24 = 78
 8) 26 = 67
 9) 30 = 40
 10) 32 = 181
 11) 35 = 56
 12) 36 = 28
 13) 40 = 105
 14) 42 = 347
 15) 46 = 70
 16) 48 = 15
 17) 51 = 394
 18) 57 = 48
 19) 56 = 30
 20) 57 = 48
 21) 64 = 299
 22) 68 = 24
 23) 72 = 37
 24) 74 = 10
 25) 77 = 36
 26) 78 = 198
 27) 82 = 18
 28) 82 = 18
 29) 88 = 8
 30) 90 = 76
 31) 95 = 167
 32) 99 = 189
 33) 102 = 603
 34) 108 = 1367
 35) 110 = 562
 36) 115 = 648
 37) 116 = 218

TOTAL “Phi POSITION” SUM = 2368 + 4181

PRIME FACTORIZATION SUM of first 19 Fibonacci numbers = 2368 = “JESUS CHRIST”

The 19th Fibonacci number = 4181

This relationship between the "Composite Index" Code of the first 37 elements, their "Phi Positions" and the Fibonacci Code of 19 becomes even more obvious when you consider the number of Protons/Neutrons in the first 37 atomic elements (1532): 

 PROTON/NEUTRON sum = 1532

 4181 - 2368 = 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER!

Genesis 1:1 itself (2701) actually separates these two values by "JESUS" (888) and "CHRIST" (1480)! ... 

   2701 - 888 = 1532nd COMPOSITE NUMBER

    2701 + 1480 = 4181

In fact, the Lord has even shown me how Genesis 1:1 itself (the foundation of Biblical Numerics) ties Phi to the natural order/sequence of Composite numbers (just like "The Atomic Star" does). Observe ... 

 GENESIS 1:1 = 2701 = 37 × 73

    2701 + 1072 = 3773

 The 3773rd COMPOSITE NUMBER = 4370

   4370/2701 = Phi (1.618)


 Battalion Of Christ,

 Leo Tavares (aka "Gambini" aka "I Am Gematria")

WEBSITE: https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/home