Frank Molver (28 Oct 2018)
"dream, clear lake, jewel, muckrakers "

Recently I went on a 3 hour drive. When I got home I thought about what I had been thinking about most of that trip. I had let my mind wonder and realized I had allowed myself to to be triggered into thinking things I shouldn't. Then I thought, how much of my Christian life have I wasted rehashing the past and fantasizing about it. I went to be and woke up after this dream.

There was a valuable jewel I was interested in. There was a beautiful clear lake. I then saw that others were interested in this jewel. They were scraping the bottom of the lake, the lake was becoming muddy. I realized some how they were trying to find flaws in the jewel by digging up dirt to be able to buy it for a cheaper price. They had a critical spirit. 

I then woke up and heard the word 'muckraker.'
Well, I decided to look that up. 
In the book Pilgrims progress it is used to signify those who are not interested in salvation but or only interested in filth.
I thought, how interesting. How easily our random thoughts can lead us down a dark path and muddy the waters of our mind.
Our mind can be like a clear lake.
 If we let the dirt settle to the bottom,
let it die, our lake, mind will be clear to hear from God.
 However, if we yield our mind to dirt, it muddies up the water and we can not hear or sense God's presence.  

I then took the bible and shook it and said, "If muckraker is in the bible, show it to me". [Of course I knew it is all over in one form or another]
So the bible opens to Mark 11 and my eyes settle on vs 16

16 “To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others:

17 “‘We played the pipe for you,
    and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge,
    and you did not mourn.’

18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”

So it is really a critical spirit that prevents the Holy Spirit. 

Isn't nice that God can speak volumes to us with only a single word, pay attention to your dreams, you might find some gems.