Justice & Judgment
By Pastor F. M. Riley
October 26, 2018
"Justice and judgment are the habitation of Thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before Thy face," Psalm 89:14.
Any reader desiring to know the characteristics of the Lord God Himself needs to study Psalm 89. It sets forth a vivid description of the moral character of the Lord God, so that every person who reads this Psalm can know exactly whom they are dealing with in seeking and receiving the Lord God as their own personal Savior. Glory to God!
Justice and Judgment
One of the characteristics of the Lord God is that He is a God of "justice and judgment."
This truth is repeated numerous times throughout the Bible, and it is always in the same order. "Justice" always precedes the "judgment" of God. But so does "mercy and truth," just as stated in our text Scripture for this study. ".....mercy and truth shall go before" having to look upon the face of any angry God, Rev. 6:15-17. And isn't this exactly the way the Lord God has laid out the dispensations of time? Acts 17:24-26. "...mercy and truth..." [God's Dispensation of GRACE," has been placed just before the terrible "justice and judgment" of God to be poured out upon mankind during the coming Tribulation period? Why?
Because our God is a God of love, whether the unbelieving wicked want to believe it or not! 2 Peter 3:9. But the Lord God is not a wimp! He loved mankind enough that He revealed His "mercy and truth" to the whole world, in this present dispensation, by the gift of His Son dying at Calvary to pay the sin debt of the whole lost world, John 3:16. This present Dispensation of Grace obviously precedes His future "justice and judgment" upon all Christ rejectors during the swiftly approaching Tribulation period, 2 Peter 3:10. .
Thus in every matter that God deals with, regardless of how great or how small the matter is, the "justice" involved in the matter is first considered, before "judgment" is exercised by the Lord.
Is it then strange that God, who created mankind in His own image and likeness [Genesis 1:26-27], expects mankind upon the earth to do the same thing? That is, to first consider the "justice" of our actions towards others before we render "judgment" upon others, Matthew 7:1; 7:12. This is a Biblical principle that true believers have held as truth, and sought to put into practice in their lives throughout this present Dispensation of Grace. That is,.....right up to the last century.
The Apostasy of America and the World
Somewhere around the beginning of the 1800's the so-called "Industrial Revolution" began, and the emphasis of the American people began to shift from living in peace and doing good to others, to grasping for every dollar they could get any way they could get it. "Justice" was trampled underfoot in the mad rush to become wealthy and exercise power over others. Just as we see today in our nation!
An Unjust Accusation?
Not at all! For several weeks now there has been an uproar over the selection of a new "justice" for the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I have no idea why they call them "justices." The whole putrid fiasco was a glaring example of "injustice" against a man of integrity and honor. Why? What was the real reason why the wicked liberal Democrats and other wicked liberals were so upset over the very idea of Mr. Kavenaugh becoming a Supreme Court Justice?
Why? Turn the clock back to 1973, and remember the Supreme Court Decision in the Roe vs Wade case. That was the case in which the killing
[outright murder] of innocent unborn babies was "legalized." I have received several reports that these people in government today, who fought so hard to keep Mr. Kavenaugh from becoming a Supreme Court "Justice," are afraid that he will vote to reverse the Roe vs Wade "injustice" that was perpetrated on the American people in 1973, thereby giving real "justice" to the innocent unborn who cannot speak for themselves. And the wicked liberals don't want that to happen!
Dear readers, that is what the whole uproar was about. The wicked liberal Democrats and other unbelieving liberals do not want the "legalization" of killing innocent unborn babies taken away from them.
Folks, even as a young child growing up, I was taught and knew that the willful killing of another human being is "murder." Now tell me honestly, what is the difference between killing an adult and killing the innocent unborn, other than the ages of those being killed? Hello!
I am breathlessly waiting for some "baby killing" liberal to answer this question.
Readers, are you aware that since 1973, when the so-called "justices" on the Supreme Court "legalized" the cold blooded murder of the innocent unborn, according to official records, there has been approximately 65 million innocent unborn babies callously murdered in the abortion slaughter houses here in America? And do some think that the Lord God who gave to Israel His Law that clearly states, ".....eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life....," Exodus 21:24, and ".....the murderer shall surely be put to death," Numbers 35:16, has not been watching the murder of the innocent unborn? Well...??
The Wages of Sin
The wages of sin have not changed in all of these centuries. Romans 6:23 is still in the Bible, and is still highly applicable. Now do some readers understand why America has deteriorated into the immoral, wicked, mess the nation is in today? We believers who are seriously looking, can already see the judgment of God coming upon this country, and upon other nations around the world who have followed America's sick example of wickedness and immorality.
But abortion is not all America has to answer for! Have our readers read Levitius 20 and 21 lately? These two chapters deal with the personal conduct of people in their relationship with other people. And right in the face of these Laws of God, these so-called "justices" of the Supreme Court have "legalized" the practice of homosexuality and homosexual marriage. And turning these homos loose on the American public is supposed to be "justice?" Pardon me while I puke!
This very year America has suffered Hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis, pestilences, diseases, murders, rapes, robberies, mass shootings, and bombings, as never before, and the year is not over yet.
Folks, Galatians 6:7-8 is still in the Bible, and is just as applicable to nations and peoples, as it is to individuals. America, like ancient apostate Israel, has "sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind," Hosea 8:7.
Man's Injustice.....God's Judgment
Very few "prophecy preachers" want to talk about it, or ever even mention it. But.....at the Second Coming of Christ back to this earth, the Lord Jesus, in preparation for His Kingdom of righteousness and peace, is going to purge the earth of every person on earth who refuses to submit themselves to His righteous rule over mankind, Psalm 2:8-10; Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 19:15. There will not be an unsaved person left on the face of the earth, who will enter into the glorious Millennial Kingdom of Christ, who has not willingly submitted to His rule over mankind. All defiant Christ rejectors will be destroyed [killed], and will not live to enter the Lord's righteous Kingdom. Doesn't Galatians 6:7-8 say something about a man reaping what he sows? Every honest reader knows it does. Well, the unbelieving, Christ rejecting, American people are responsible for killing 65 million innocent unborn babies. So think about this before some readers begin to whine about God not really being a God of love if He is going to kill off all of the Christ rejectors before setting up His kindom.
Folks, God is indeed a God of love, but He is also a God of "justice and judgment." Some readers need to wake up to this truth. Hello!
I am sure the wicked liberals won't like what I have wrote, but they needn't fret themselves over it. For I am going to apologize to them, and other Christ rejectors, the very first day Hell freezes over, and the flames of Hell freeze into orange popsicles. That is the day they will have my apology. So those wicked liberals who don't like this study can just hold their breath until they receive my apology. Fair enough?
Folks, there is no way this nation is going to survive on the course of wickedness the American people are following. God hates SIN, and after giving mankind on this earth 2,000 years of "mercy and truth," now He is going to bring "justice and judgment" upon all who have refused His "grace," as so lovingly revealed in the sacrifice of His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe it!
If any reader is not truly saved, I implore you to seek the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior right now while you still have the time and opportunity to be saved, Romans 10:8-10; Ephesians 2:8-10; 2 Peter 1:10-11. But hurry! The Lord Jesus is coming to rapture His believing, redeemed, people to glory REAL SOON. As the inspired prophet, Amos, once cried out to Israel, so I lift my voice to cry out to America, "O America, prepare to meet thy God."
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My personal contact information:
POSTAL.......Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401
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