Fay (28 Oct 2018)
"Caravan Invasion....Oy Vey"

This has obviously made world headlines and is a major talking point. Watching (with jaw on floor) the CNN coverage and other mainstream media TV stations on this subject, is enough to induce one's gagging reflex.

The Democrats are a truly opportunistic bunch of thugs. Throughout their history, they have proven that they do NOT have America's best interest at heart. They want control and total power. As in a previous video clip I posted last week - the Democrats fought tooth and nail to maintain slavery. The Democrats fought tooth and nail to stop women from getting the right to vote. But - feral street thugs that they are - they roll with the punches. Latching themselves on to whichever demographic group that could possibly vote them back into power.

It was the Democratic party who were in power in 1939. On June 4th, 1939, the SS St. Louis, a ship carrying a cargo of 907 Jewish refugees, was denied permission to land in Florida after already having been turned away in Cuba. Forced to return to Europe, many of the passengers later die in Nazi death camps during the Holocaust. (Quoted from the link below).

Yet it's the screeching Democrats who are howling to allow the Honduran caravan into the USA. Not because they give a rat's about the people in said caravan. But because it involves their demographic target - Hispanic - just before the mid-term election. This much is obvious to anyone with half a brain. Even the Hispanic community themselves. The Dem politicians are influenced by evil.

It's pretty amazing when you realise that the USA and Europe are suffering threatening invasions of illegal "refugees" in these last days. Just as Israel is under constant threat of invasion and marauding hordes. We are all getting a taste of what Israel suffers the whole time. Our LORD is in total control, in the midst of all this chaos.

Perilous times have indeed come. And evil men are waxing worse and worse - deceiving and being deceived. Evil is nearly on full throttle now. It's astonishing what is happening in our world. Politicians behaving like Mafia Dons - straight out of a gangster novel. Evil is here and it's growing. The rapture is bound to happen soon, please LORD. Evil can only show it's full hand once we are gone. We can hear evil rattling it's chains - desperate for a full unleashing.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

1939 in the United States