Fay (28 Oct 2018)
"The Clumsiness of Evil"


I got this link from the Rapture Ready website. Always a steady font of up to the minute news. I love that website and appreciate the hard work that goes into it.

Watch the short clip as well as reading the article. The Bible tells us that we will know them by their fruits (when one wants to recognise evil). Well.... the liberal leftie luvvie Dems have sure shown us the fruits of their stints in power. I am constantly amazed at the clumsiness of evil. That evil thinks we are so easily fooled. That we are all idiots........blindly following mainstream media propaganda. Evil never seems to clock that it's tactics are against every human instinct. Sure - we have umpteen people, willing to be used as "useful idiots". Below par in the brain department. But, proper thinking, feeling, loving humans can recognise evil and are repulsed by it. 

The mainstream media would have us think that the gender debate is a hotly contested issue among humans. No....it's NOT. This is a made-up story which seeks to divide us. Rogue libraries - universities etc., would have us believe that drag queens are "normal" and simply must read stories to our children..... or we will all drown in our own ignorance. Transgender drag queens are the future???? 

PLEASE come soon, LORD Jesus. The pantomime has dragged on for too long. It's wearing us out. Causing us turbulence in our spirits.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus. We beg of you.

Fake "pipe bomb" HOAX unravels as Democrats appear desperate to sway elections