Fay (14 Oct 2018)
"As in the Days of Noah...Oh MY!"

I have only watched around 26 minutes of this video clip but is is very compelling.  It's well worth watching as the narrator takes us through some pretty convincing scriptures (and not only the obvious one's). Pointing to October 20th, 2018 (7 days prior to the flood - when Noah and his family boarded the Ark) This was Cheshvan 11th. The flood began on Cheshvan 17....... October 26th, 2018.

Scripture DOES tell us that "it will be as in the days of Noah". We can also see umpteen signs of the upcoming Gog/Magog war looming on the horizon. Israel is in danger. The world's armies are gathered around her. Jerusalem has become a trembling cup. A bone of contention. Shi'ite Islam wants to rule from Jerusalem as their prophecies dictate. Their prophecies tell that Mecca will be destroyed and that Jerusalem will be the seat of the Muslim throne. Do a google search for the millions of details about this. 

Everything is in place. We can know the times and the seasons. Sure, "date setting" is frowned upon in our world. Sneered at. Admittedly, sometimes justifiably so. When the "date setter" is arrogant and assumes an all knowing stance. In fact - one such person who claims the discovery of the Revelation 12 sign, has recently released two you tube clips where he laughs derisively about the Jewish people. Dismisses them. Saying that they know nothing. "What do the Jews know?", he questions. Shocking and disappointing. Pride always precedes a fall.

We watch and we wait. Always with a hopeful, hungry heart. Always praying for the peace of Jerusalem and Almighty God's will be done.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

Noah's Flood in Cheshvan & False Calendars