Fay (14 Oct 2018)
"This is Epic. Joshua and Natan's Prophecy"

I was watching this wonderful teaching on you tube (highly recommended viewing. It will truly bless you) when the narrator said something that electrified me. As he was delving into the prophetic meanings of the story of Joshua (beautiful, beautiful depth) he brought up Revelation 19 - particularly verse 13. Talking about our LORD Jesus : -

Revelation 19:13.....He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

Recall how Natan recounted his visit to heaven and the "movie of the future" he was given? Natan said that the LORD Himself will appear in a robe covered in blood.... all the blood of the Jewish people that had been murdered throughout history. How incredible that Natan was shown something that is detailed in the New Testament. A prophecy of Jesus Himself. Mind  literally B   L   O   W   N.

Natan was shown everything from a Jewish perspective (still blinded in part). Therefore - I am sure that the robe dipped in blood includes the blood of the Christians murdered as well.The blood of ALL those slain in the Name of the LORD. 


Revelation 19 - NIV Bible - After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a...