666 is the value of the first 6 Roman numerals: 'DCLXV1' (500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 666). The sum of the ASCII codes for 'DCLXVI' is 458. 666 + 458 equals: 1124. 1124 + 793 (the English gematria of 'BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA') equals: 1917. JFK was born in 1917. 2 x 1917 is the sum of the four corners of my 'Prime List' (1 + 281 + 1549 + 2003).
The sum of the ASCII codes for the Roman Numeral representation of the year 2009 ('MMIX') is 315. Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President on the 20th of January of 2009. 44 + 2009 + 315 equals: 2368 which is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'.
The sum of the ASCII codes for the Roman numeral representation of the five consecutive years 2015 to 2019 is 2153. 2153 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy'. Denis Hart just sent this to me yesterday: "the front page headline in the Canberra Times today was very interesting - The Men Who Fell to Earth!! Clearly in response to the two Astronauts on the ill-fated space mission. A pointer to the Two Witnesses? Could the Rapture and Tribulation be close? An alternative may be a pointer to the coming of the end-time Elijah, heralding the imminent Day of the Lord." The sum of the lowercase ASCII codes for 'the men who fell to earth' is 2153.
The sum of the ASCII codes for the Roman numeral representation of the number 5224 ('VCCXXIV') is 555. 5224 + 555 equals: 5779. This is the only combination of number value plus ASCII code sum that total 5779.
1549 is the first number in the fifth column of my 'Prime List'. The sum of the ASCII codes for the Roman Numeral representation of the year 1549 ('MDXLIX') is 470. 1549 + 470 equals: 2019. In the range of 1 to 6000 this is the only combination of number value plus ASCII code sum that total 2019. The sum of the ASCII codes for the Roman numeral representation of the number 1571 ('MDLXXI') is also 470. 1571 + 470 equals: 2041 which is the Greek gematria for 'ANTICHRIST'. In the range of 1 to 6000 there were 22 occurrences of the ASCII code sum for the Roman numeral strings totaling 470. There are 22 letters in the original Hebrew alphabet. The highest gematria of the 12 tribe names on the Breastplate is 830. 830 + the 1189 chapters in the Bible equals: 2019.
5779 may be represented as the Roman numeral string 'MMMMMDCCLXXIX' or 'VDCCLXXIX' where the 'V' has a horizontal line placed above it which multiplies the value of 'V' by 1000. The sum of the ASCII codes for the string 'MMMMMDCCLXXIX' is 1000. The sum of the ASCII codes for the string 'VDCCLXXIX' is 701. 701 is the mirror image of the rapture number 107.