TH (30 Oct 2016)


                                   RELYING on  H I M  =  HUMBLENESS

HUMBLING oneself......a good step towards Relying on HIM in ALL THINGS in your
Life.  Why do we have to Humble ourselves in order to have a REAL RELATIONSHIP
w/  HIM ?  HUMBLE and "Good Fortune" doesn't seem to be a doable combo.  Yet we
are told in Scripture that the LORD wants us to live a full and abundant life. Humbling
oneself during a period of a Full and Blessed life is ONLY Possible w/ a SPEAKING
who would SEEK IT,  in Earnest.  It is NOT POSSIBLE for mankind to remain Humble
while the Blessing pile up and for him not to feel a bit superior.  So how do we over-
come this dilemma?  We DON'T !    HE does ...for us.....  W/O HIM "on board" it ain't
gonna happen.  This neo-prosperity doctrine  that is permeating the church today is
absolutely the work of satan.  ALL IS VANITY !   Truer words .  We HAVE to ask this
Question....WHAT DO WE WANT ?   And of course the answer for anyone that is
Blessed w/ a SPEAKING RELATIONSHIP w/ HIM, can ONLY be get CLOSER to
HIM....nothing else matters...and I mean NOTHING !   Of course there are "close"
seconds....but they "trail".  Once HIS AGAPE LOVE hits you, you become a completely
different person...just like HE PROMISED.  Prosperity be danged !  Gimme more of that
AGAPA stuff.....  If ..YOU haven't experienced that "Agape" from HIM yet, get goin and
get you some of that.  It changes your life like you can't imagine. (till it happens to you)
It is not so much a "consummation" as it is the assurance that YES,  HE LOVES YOU,
and HE KEEPS HIS WORD.  Imagine !   THAT.... is our GOD.    Seek HIS VOICE !
     Then humble yourself and Submit to HIS Leading, like HE ASKED us to do.

                                    MARANATHA !

                                             T H

PS.    I still get goosebumps when I recall that first blast of AGAPE LOVE.  It will
          Change who and what you are forever.  You become one of HIS ...SHEEP !