Frank Molver (30 Oct 2016)
"A box of rocks for a bag of gold"


Recently during our intercession prayer time some one mentioned he had a habit of saying a box of rocks for a bag of gold when he finished group meetings. He said it subconsciously and didn't know why until he read some scripture.

It kind of stuck with me. This is how I perceive it. The box of rocks are our thoughts that lead nowhere. The things we trouble ourselves with that seem so important to us, but have no eternal value. The bag of gold is that which comes from pursuing God and doing the words he gives us.

Funny how the world has us chasing what seems valuable but is nothing more than a worthless box of rocks.
How the world, or shall I say Satan, has us thinking the things of God of are no value and a waste of time.

Every moment of our life is valuable. It is hard some times not to be troubled by the little things. Letting God in on even those is a start. Nothing better that to feel the comforting presents of the Lord. To shut off the TV and computer and actually spend some time with some one. That is a bag of gold.