Fay (30 Oct 2016)
"John B re Puzzle Pieces"

John B - your intriguing post:- The puzzle pieces are coming together nicely.........you might want to read this one

I found the idea that the Seals are interventions, rather interesting. It makes sense. Going back to Revelations and reading it with this new perspective, is rather comforting. All the evil that is being allowed by God.......for now, is to give people a chance to wake up and smell the burning sulphur !!!  When Almighty God eventually has HAD ENOUGH - the interventions will progress. I personally believe that all the horsemen have ridden out - especially the pale green horse, seen in Egypt in 2011. People can put it down to camera flare or whatever - the fact is that it was there and seen by millions the world over.  It can't be far off now. Imminent nuclear war is a threat hanging over the world at present. Think about it................ it's terrifying. The problem is that the Islamic faith welcomes death and destruction and are not as alarmed as the majority of people. The reality of nuclear war may just change their minds about "welcoming" death and destruction !

It got me thinking even more about the current mass movement of displaced muslims into predominantly Judea/ Christian based nations. As much as we resent it and fear the mass invasion of our countries by these people  - the hand of God is working on removing them from the Middle East and Africa. Not just the deserving either !! It's a strange one to figure out but I do know - for absolute certain - that God is working powerfully in these dangerous and fearful times. It is His wish that none are lost. Although we have free will - often it takes extreme fear to open our eyes and hearts to the LORD.

As God removed Noah and his family - removed Lot and his family, prior to destruction - we have nothing to fear. It's hard not to fret though ! Our hearts and minds are set upon our LORD Jesus to remove us. Instead of losing sleep over the happenings on this planet at present - as nauseating as they are - we should see them as the labour pains before the birth. The birth of our Salvation and Redemption.

We need to keep reminding ourselves that Almighty God is always in control. Always.

