Ron Reese (11 Oct 2015)

I am greatly concerned that many Christians, and even Watchers, were so convinced that the Fall Feast Days this year would be the time of the start of the Tribulation, and the time of the Rapture, that many have become despondent, extremely disappointed, disillusioned, and are full of a lack of understanding, as to why it did not happen.  It is my sincere hope and prayer, that this post will give you some understanding, and some encouragement, and a new sense of anticipation and excitement.  I remain convinced that the Fall of 2015 is the time.  I remain convinced that we have EVERY reason to EXPECT that the Tribulation will begin, and the Sudden Destruction will take place, on 11/11 of THIS YEAR.  We should also be expecting the Rapture to take place the very same day (See my previous posts on the Simultaneous Sudden Destruction and Rapture).
To many Watchers, one of the Fall Feast Days this year SHOULD have been the time of the Rapture.  We KNOW that Jesus has already fulfilled the 4 Spring Feasts at His 1st Coming.  We have EVERY reason to believe that He will fulfill the 3 Fall Feasts at His 2nd Coming.  Jesus is the fulfillment of the 7 Feasts.  God is trying to reveal to the Jews, that Jesus is their Messiah, through the 7 Feast Days.  God would never leave his Prophetic plan half-filled.  So, why did the Rapture not take place during one of the Fall Feast Days this year???  The problem with the thinking of so many is that the 2nd Coming of Christ is not until the END of the Tribulation.  This is when the Fall Feast Days are destined to be fulfilled, not 7 years earlier.
I am now going to copy and paste some things that I wrote on this very topic earlier this year:
From a post that I wrote in February of this year:
The first four Spring Feast Days, fulfilled about 2000 years ago, were all fulfilled in the very same year, the year of the death and resurrection of Jesus.  I strongly suspect that we can apply this same principle, and pattern, to the unfulfilled Fall Feast Days.  I fully expect our Lord to fulfill the Final 3 Fall Feasts, for the important events in the life of Christ, IN THE SAME YEAR, during His literal 2nd Coming.  So, in the Fall of 2022, we should expect to witness the completion of God's ordained plan to have Jesus be the fulfillment of His Holy Feast Days.  For those of you looking for the 1st Rapture to be during one of the Fall Feast Days this year, in 2015, I will be looking with you, with one eye, but with the other eye more sharply focused on 11/11/15.  But all three Feasts, including Feast of Trumpets, are much more likely to be fulfilled during the FINAL year, not the first year, of the 7-Year Tribulation.
The very strong evidence shows us that Jesus will fulfill the Final 3 Fall Feast Days, in the year of His 2nd Coming.  In this post, I will not speculate on just how He may fulfill the Feast of Trumpets and Feast of Tabernacles.  However, I believe, with the vast majority of Bible Prophecy students, that Jesus will end the Tribulation, by setting His feet down on the Mount of Olives, at the end of the Battle of Armageddon, ON THE DAY OF ATONEMENT.  ALL signs point to the year of 2022.   Every year the Jews celebrate Day of Atonement, by making sacrifices for their sins they have committed during the previous 12 months.  But the Final Day of the Tribulation, the Day of Atonement, they will not have to attempt to make any sacrifice for their sins, for (drum roll please), HERE WILL COME JESUS( WHO IS THE ATONEMENT FOR ALL SIN), IN THE SKY, ON DAY OF ATONEMENT, TO END THE 2520 DAYS OF TRIBULATION!
Can you see the irony of it all?  Just like Jesus, who was the Passover Lamb of God, fulfilled the 1st Feast, fulfilling Feast of PASSOVER, by dying for the sins of all mankind, on the very day of the PASSOVER Feast.  In the very same manner, as part of God's perfect plan for Jesus to perfectly fulfill ALL 7 Feast Days, during His 2 Comings, Jesus, the ATONEMENT for all sin, will fulfill that part of God's perfect Prophetic plan, by coming back to earth, on Day of ATONEMENT, to show the Jews and the rest of the world that He, Jesus Christ, is the Saviour, the Messiah, who has now come to rule the world from Jerusalem, where He sets His feet down, on the Mount of Olives, on the last day of the Tribulation.  DAY OF ATONEMENT IS THE DAY THAT CONCLUDES THE 2520-DAY TRIBULATION, as this is the God-ordained Day of the year for the literal Return of Jesus Christ to this Earth.
SIGN #1.  DAY OF ATONEMENT, as explained above, is the last day of the Tribulation.  The length of the Tribulation is 2520 days, or two 1260-day periods, or 7 Prophetic years, of 360 days each.  Therefore, if we know when the last day is, and we know the length of time is 2520 days, all we have to do is back up 2520 days from the last day to get the first day.  It sounds simple enough, does it not? 
But to do that, we must know the year of the 2nd Coming.  As I said earlier, we are taking it as a given, for the purpose of this post, that the Fall of 2015 to the Fall of 2022, will be the 7 Years of Tribulation.  I cannot take the time, in this post, to give you the abundance of evidence that points to this being the time.  It is simply overwhelming, as so many avid students of Bible Prophecy have written about, and will continue to write about, in the next few months.  If you would like to read more about these Final 7 Years, go to, and just read the vast amount that is being written about these 7 Years, from the Fall of 2015, to the Fall of 2022.  There are a few pointing to 2016, or 2017, but they are in the minority.
DAY OF ATONEMENT, Oct 5, 2022, is the day that I, and many Prophecy students, expect for the literal 2nd Coming of Christ.  That is explained above.  So, backing up 2520 days from that day, brings us back to 11/11/2015 TO BE THE FIRST DAY OF THE 7-YEAR TRIBULATION!  THIS IS BY FAR THE NUMBER ONE REASON WE SHOULD BE EXPECTING 11/11/15 TO BE THE START DATE OF THE TRIBULATION, AND NO OTHER DATE.
Many are expecting one of the Fall Feast Days in 2015 to be the start of the Tribulation.  However, if you go forward 2520 days from any of these three Fall Feast Days in 2015, you will arrive in the month of August, or early September, 2022, for the last day of the Tribulation.  None of these 2520-day periods will take you to any of the Fall Feast Days in 2022.  That is why we can confidently say that none of the Fall Feast Days will be the first day of the Tribulation.  (End of quotes from my February post of this year)
I trust that this post today, in October of 2015, will be a source of encouragement to many of you who were expecting the Rapture, and start of the Tribulation, to take place during the Fall Feast Days this year.  You see, the 7 Years of Tribulation, as we learn from the Book of Revelation, are Prophetic Years of 360 days each.  This makes the Tribulation about 37 days short of 7 Years on our calendar.  This is why the Tribulation HAS to start in November, and not September.
As we watch the rapid rise of World War 3 and the Battle of Gog and Magog, in Ezekiel 38--39, literally exploding before our eyes. how can we NOT be excited?  How can we not be full of eager anticipation?  It all means that JESUS IS COMING SOON!  We have all of the main players setting up their roles for the Sudden Destruction of World War 3, as outlined in the Word of God.  We have Russia, Iran, Syria, the United States, and most importantly, Israel, all taking their proper places for the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy.  What an awesome privilege to be alive, and a Watchman, in these very, very last days, before our Lord's Soon Return!
In my next post, I will be writing about how we should ALL be thoroughly enjoying our 49--Day Upper Room experience, just like the early disciples were, after the death of Christ.  They were eagerly awaiting, for 49 (7 X 7) days, for Jesus to appear to them, in the form of the Holy Spirit, on Feast of Pentecost.  We now await for the same 49 days, a Jubilee cycle of days, for our Lord and Saviour to come for us in the form of the Rapture of the Bride.  These 49 days, since the big letdown and disappointment of Sept. 23--24th, should be OUR DAYS OF TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT AND ANTICIPATION AS WE EAGERLY AWAIT OUR LORD'S RETURN!!!!!!!  The disciples waited 49 days after their great disappointment at the death of their Lord.  Our 49--day wait takes us to ELEVEN ELEVEN!!!!!!!  Are you experiencing our Upper Room experience, of eager anticipation?  It is time that you do, if your heart is prepared for our Lord's Return!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  We eagerly and excitedly await, with unparalleled anticipation, for the Rapture of the Bride. 
Ron Reese