Ron Reese (11 Oct 2015)
"Dozens of Puzzle Pieces Point us DIRECTLY to ELEVEN ELEVEN of 2015!!!"

Since February of this year, I have been sending posts to you, with most of them centering on the date of 11/11/15.  Because I have no website, this post will serve as my website, so please SAVE it.  Below you will find the links to all of the most important posts that I have written this year.  Many of you on my mailing list have not received some of these posts, because of either computer problems, or AOL problems, on my end.  I have recently upgraded from AOL 9.0 to AOL 9.7, and a much greater percentage of my emails are now getting through to you.
But there is a good chance that most of you have not received ALL of my posts.  Each of the posts listed below are MUST reads, if you want to see the WHOLE Prophetic picture that I am convinced the Lord is trying to show to us, regarding the date of ELEVEN ELEVEN of this year.  A brief explanation of each post is included.  Having the entire Prophetic Puzzle Pieces in one post should be of GREAT assistance to all of you.  In the short remaining time that we have left, please add the links from for any future posts that I might write, to this post.
This is the one post that you must seriously consider sending to your family, your friends, and your entire mailing list.  There are several other posts linked below that you should also make copies of, such as "What to Do if You are Left Behind", and Are ALL Christians Going in the Rapture?"  Please make at least one copy of each to leave in plain sight in your house, that others will be able to find it. 
I believe with all of my heart, that many souls are now eternally hanging in the balance.  Please do not let the enemy discourage you from doing YOUR part to WARN and PREPARE others.  They at least deserve one last WARNING.  Almost certainly, much more will be accomplished AFTER the Sudden Destruction/Rapture, than before, with this post.  But NOBODY will be influenced by these MULTIPLE signs, if you do not distribute it, or at least make copies to leave behind for your loved ones, who miss the Rapture of the Bride.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pray about this, and do as the Lord leads you to.  The Word tells us that SOON the night cometh, when no man can work anymore.  Time is of the extreme essence now.  Please act now, before it is eternally too late.  As you can see from the posts below, WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO EXPECT THE SUDDEN DESTRUCTION AND RAPTURE TO TAKE PLACE ON ELEVEN ELEVEN OF THIS YEAR!!!!!!!  "JOSEPH'S 7 GOOD YEARS OF 2008--2015 LEAD TO 7 YEARS OF FAMINE 2015--2022 TRIBULATION"
This was my first post in two years.  It is the foundation post for everything else that I have written this year.  A follow-up to this post appears later in this post.  "11 SIGNS POINTING DIRECTLY TO 11/11/15 AS THE START OF THE TRIBULATION--PART 1"
The #1 Sign is the most important of the 11 Signs, as it shows us that 7 Prophetic Years from Day of Atonement, Oct. 5, 2022, points us EXACTLY TO 11/11/15!  "11 SIGNS POINTING DIRECTLY TO 11/11/15 AS THE START OF THE TRIBULATION--PART 2" 
Part 2 of a 3-part series.  There is NO way all of these DIRECT signs leading us to 11/11/15 can be just a coincidence.  I am convinced that, if we follow all of the signs, we can readily see that the Tribulation is destined to start on 11/11/15.  "11 SIGNS POINTING DIRECTLY TO 11/11/15 AS THE START OF THE TRIBULATION--PART 3"
The conclusion of this 3-part series.  Be sure to read Sign #11 to see why the NWO elite have chosen ELEVEN ELEVEN as their CHOSEN date, for their evil, diabolical Day of Sudden Destruction, so that they can enact their Satanic one-word government .  The number of Signs has expanded well past eleven, as I write this.  "ELEVEN DAYS PUTIN DISAPPEARS, AGAIN POINTING US TO 11/11/15"
Now, in October of 2015, we can see very strong evidence of Putin's bold and evil WAR plans.  The Battle of Gog and Magog, of World War 3, seems destined to take place before the end of this year!!!  "NEW YORK CITY EXPLOSION AND FIRE POINT DIRECTLY TO TRIBULATION ON 11/11!!!"
Read this post slowly and carefully, and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you just what the NWO elite are planning to do to New York City (mystery Babyon).  There is only one obstacle left before the New World Order will set up their one-world government, with Obama as the world's leader, the Antichrist.  That obstacle is the downfall of the United States.  This is an extremely sobering account of what is about to take place.  JESUS IS OUR ONLY HOPE!!!  "NUCLEAR MIDNIGHT--HOW CLOSE ARE WE??? 
This posts builds a very strong BIBLICAL case for the unleashing of nuclear weapons upon the earth during the Tribulation.  I am convinced that we are only weeks away from that fulfillment.  An ominous and compelling and sobering post.  "NEPAL EARTHQUAKE REPORTED TO BE AT 11:11 A.M., LOCAL TIME!!!"
Combined with the delay in the start time of the Netanyahu speech until 11:11 a.m., this report of this catastrophic earthquake is a very strong indication that someone is trying to bring the date of 11/11 to our attention.  "MANHATTAN (NYC) IS THE TARGET, NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE THE MEANS, 11/11 IS THE DATE!"
More Signs and proof of the New World Order agenda.  "THE BRICKS ARE FALLING IN MANHATTAN (NYC) AND MAY 11TH--ANOTHER WARNING"
The Satanic NWO are very much into using Satanic CHOSEN dates for their CHOSEN sinister and diabolical plans, in order to have a greater chance of success.  ELEVEN ELEVEN uses the very Satanic number of ELEVEN doubled to double their chance of success.  This nuclear Sudden Destruction event, planned for the U.S., on ELEVEN ELEVEN of this year, is the big CLIMAX of their decades-old plans.  "Out of the chaos of WW3, comes the New World Order" is their motto.  "SEVERAL MORE SIGNS OF THE END OF THE AGE"
Eight short posts combined into a single very interesting post.  You do not want to miss this one.  "A TIMELINE OF CRITICAL EVENTS, PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE"
This is the only post presented here that I did not write.  It is an excellent article and timeline chart, highlighting 11/11/15, as the start of the Tribulation.  "THE DATE OF THE BATTLE OF GOG AND MAGOG HAS NOW BEEN REVEALED!!!!!!!"
I have gone out on a limb with this one.  I have yet to see anybody else suggest the probable date of the Battle of Gog and Magog.  My conjecture is helped along by Grant Jeffrey, backed up by Scriptures, using the 120 years as a WARNING, and is backed up by current events, in Russia, Iran, the U.S., and Israel.  I believe, as I am writing this, on Oct. 8, 2015, that this monumental Battle of World War 3 is LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AWAY!!!
The link for this post is currently unavailable on , but you can keep checking to see if the July 19th letters, on that site, become available.  I will also forward to you a copy of this post, upon request, but I have no way to include the link here in this post, at the present time.  The Biblical meaning of the number 120 is, "DIVINE PERIOD OF PROBATION".  As of July 14, 2015, the whole world
was put on a "DIVINE PERIOD OF PROBATION", with the official announcement that a NUCLEAR deal had been reached.  This probation ends on 11/11/15, the very same day that EVERYTHING is pointing towards.  We have EVERY reason to expect this probation to end with NUCLEAR Judgment.  "CAN WE KNOW THE TIME OF CHRIST'S RETURN?"
The vast majority of Christians, even Watchers, will say the answer to this question is, "No".  Let's take a look at what the Scriptures really say, in regard to "knowing the time".  Even if the answer is "no", there is nothing in the Word that prohibits us from knowing the timeline of the Tribulation.  "ARE ALL CHRISTIANS GOING IN THE RAPTURE?  ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE READY???
It really does not matter what you believe, or what you have been taught.  It only matters what the Word of God says.  It is my very strong Scriptural belief that millions upon millions of born-again Christians will not be part of the first Rapture, the Rapture of the Bride.  This is an absolute MUST read for ALL Christians, and is one in which you need to make copies.  EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!  "WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE LEFT BEHIND, AFTER THE RAPTURE"
There will be panic, bewilderment, mass chaos, massive destruction, unbelief, extreme desperation, shock, and despair on every hand, after the Sudden Destruction/Rapture takes place.  This is, by far, the most popular of the 50+ Bible Prophecy tracts that I have written.  If you haven't already, you simply MUST send this to your entire mailing list.  This post, and the previous post above, are your tools for GREAT rewards in Heaven, as you could make the difference in people's eternity.  The Sudden Destruction/Rapture will make believers out of many.  But they will need help in knowing what to do, now that they are caught up in the Tribulation.  Revelation describes it as a vast multitude that no man could number, who came out of the Great Tribulation, and made Heaven their home for all eternity.  Yes, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, by providing people with a tool to help them during the Tribulation!  Forward and copy this one.  Many eternal souls are at stake.  "THE #1 OVERLOOKED REASON WHY JESUS SHOULD RETURN IN THE FALL OF 2015!!!"
If only Christians, and especially Watchers, could grasp this deep truth of what the Word presents to us in this post, the vast majority of Watchers would not be giving up on 2015 as the start of the Tribulation.  We have EVERY reason to believe that the Tribulation starts in the Fall of 2015, but this post shows us, the most overlooked reason WHY we have every right to believe this.  In my opinion, this post NAILS it, as to why the Tribulation HAS to start in 2015.  Not 2016, nor 2017, nor 2018, nor some year past that, but 2015!!!!!!!  "AND THE DAY OF THE RAPTURE WILL BE...--(PART 1)"
A GREAT Scriptural study on the Day of the Great Escape, the Rapture of the Bride.  "AND THE DAY OF THE RAPTURE WILL BE...--(PART 2)"
Part 2, of a 2--part post.  The Old Testament teaches us the Day of the Rapture, in at least four different types.  We may not KNOW the DATE of the Rapture, for sure, but, through typology, we can be very confident in knowing the Day of the Rapture.  This is one of the main reasons why I am convinced in a simultaneous Rapture and Sudden Destruction.  Part 1 above gives us the other main Scriptural reason.  "BY A MONSTER SANDSTORM, GOD DELAYED THE ACTUAL DATES OF THE FEAST DAYS!!!"
I was expecting God to do something like this, as we serve a God of miracles.  This event (see next post) paved the way for the 17TH DAY OF THE 2ND MONTH, GOD'S HISTORICAL DAY OF GREAT JUDGMENT, TO BE ON ELEVEN ELEVEN THIS YEAR!!!!!!!  "THE 17TH DAY OF THE 2ND MONTH--GOD'S DAY OF JUDGMENT THROUGOUT HISTORY!!!" 
If you are looking for ONE post to SEAL THE DEAL, TO DRIVE THE NAIL IN THE COFFIN, FOR ELEVEN ELEVEN OF THIS YEAR, THIS IS THE POST THAT SHOULD DO IT!!!!!!!  Thank you, Lord, for making it so blatantly obvious for us.  PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD!!!  "OCT. 2ND--WILL THERE BE A 40--DAY WARNING???"
One of my eight suggestions, that I felt led to write about, as to what could possibly be a 40--Day Warning, actually happened.  See next post.  "AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, OUR 40--DAY WARNING IS MORE FLOODS!!!"
God's Biblical numbers for WARNINGS are 120, 40, and 7.  We received NO such Warnings for any of the Fall Feast Days, but we are now batting 1000 for ELEVEN ELEVEN of this year, as we have now received a 120--Day Warning, and a 40--Day Warning.  Will we receive a 7--Day Warning, like Noah did???  Circle Nov 4th on your calendar, as we MAY just receive our "GET ON BOARD" WARNING, just like Noah and the righteous people did.  WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!
Thank you, Jesus, for providing us with so many SIGNS AND CLUES AND PUZZLE PIECES FOR THE DATE OF 11/11/15.  Each of us needs the help of Your Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts for your SOON Return, so that we can be accounted worthy to ESCAPE (The Blessed Hope, the Rapture) ALL THESE THINGS THAT SHALL SOON COME TO PASS.
My three favorite verses in the entire Word, are Luke 21:34--36.  They are absolutely the MOST IMPORTANT VERSES FOR ALL CHRISTIANS LIVING IN THESE VERY LAST DAYS.  Verse 35 refers to a SNARE, OR TRAP, that is being set, and that will come upon the WHOLE WORLD.  That TRAP is the PLANNED NUCLEAR SUDDEN DESTRUCTION BY THE NEW WORLD ORDER ELITE.  The vast abundance of evidence, as you can readily see from all of the above, is pointing DIRECTLY TO ELEVEN ELEVEN OF THIS YEAR!!!
In Luke 21:34--36, it is JESUS giving WARNING to ALL end-times Christians, when He says, "Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (partying), and drunkenness, and CARES OF THIS LIFE, and so that day come upon you unawares (unexpectedly).  For as a SNARE (or TRAP) shall it come on all them who dwell on the face of the whole earth.  WATCH you, therefore, and pray always, that YOU MAY BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man (JESUS)."
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Ron Reese