Ron Reese (11 Oct 2015)
"Did the Great Flood, in Noah's time, start in the Spring, or in the Fall?"

There has always been a controversy, and it seems split down the middle, about the Flood in Noah's time, whether it started in the Spring, or in the Fall.  In other words, when Moses wrote about the 17th Day of the 2nd month being the day of the year when the Great Flood started, the BIG question is, "What calendar was he referring to?"
The person who wrote to correct me, stated as FACT, that it was the religious calendar, and, therefore, the Flood HAD to be in the Spring.  That is NOT a fact.  That is his opinion, which I do not share.  There was NO religious calendar in the Days of Noah, only the civil calendar, which starts in the Fall.  That is why I am convinced that the Great Flood started in the Fall, and not in the Spring.  It is my understanding, later on in the Word of God, that God instituted the religious calendar, through Moses.
I am sure that there will be responses to this post, from readers who wish to "correct" my thinking.  That is fine, but this is probably my last word on this topic, as there is way too much else happening to get bogged down in a debate on this topic.  Most Prophecy students are pretty set in their beliefs, on this particular topic, and it has been my experience that very few will change their thinking on this matter.
My post above is in response to this email below that I received this week.
I've been following the five doves the last few months.  Some of the posts are totally brilliant, though very difficult to understand.  On the other hand, I find many of the posts unconvincing.  Your posts, however, have definitely caught my interest.  I believe you make quite a compelling case for your beliefs.  I did have one question however: You had made a strong connection to the "17th day, 2nd month" in pinning down a specific date for the USA to be attacked. But other people posting since then seem to have corrected you on the meaning of 17th day/2nd month. Just wanted to know your response to that. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say in further posts.  Keep up the good work!