Fay (11 Oct 2015)
"Ain't THIS the Truth"

While the Ten Commandments are being shuffled along because of protestors and liberal mafia - hell bent on demanding that we not be "Islamaphobic", what is being ignored is the enslavement of muslim women. Their 2nd class citizenship. Not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia - etc., etc.You are aware of how muslim women are treated. Where are the howls of protest from the liberal and gay mafia ( let's face it - gays are not tolerated in the muslim world either). Why is it that anything Christian is targeted for "hate speech and intolerance"? Is it because we are easy targets? Are we far too accepting of our fate as "the salt of the earth"? satan's prey? Cat walk models are pressured into dieting to the point of "bone thin". They are then made up to look like heroin addicts and parade around in the most ridiculous clothing. Famous women are now wearing next to nothing, in order to flaunt boobs and bums. The gay mafia run the fashion / movie/ music / media industries. Which brings me straight to this very biblical description of the anti Christ. Daniel 11:37. The anti Christ (and his cohorts) hate women. They are not that much easier on men (humanity in general) They promote pornography and are slowly wearing us down and degrading us as a much loved creation of God. WE are the ac's targets - primarily. Our beautiful earth has taken a right bashing for years. The ac has started on our seas - affecting our fish and marine life. However - back to the subject at hand - Dr Eric Edmonds Blog (link below) asking why our liberal politicians and feminists aren't making more of a noise about the so-called "religion of peace and love" (as is shoved down our throats as a "given" by said politicians and media) about how muslim women are treated? Why are they silent? More importantly...... why are we silent?