Edwina (11 Oct 2015)

Hello my dear friends,

Did you notice the recent Blood Moons? and the 3rd one just last week?

Did you know we are now in a JUBILEE year in the Israeli calendar? Which means, NEXT YEAR the arabs will be quietened and the Zionists will start to build their 3rd Temple.

Did you know next year planet X is scheduled to fly by?

Do you remember me in 2008 saying the Lord says this: I AM COMING SOON.

Do you remember me studying and buying books and data from all around the world who had "some" information on the Second Coming and then I discovered Planet X and Nibiru?

Do you remember me being totally convinced it was "anytime soon!"?

Today, a friend visited me and told me to watch and listen to something on You-Tube... I was tired and ill and not energized and was not even interested, but when she left I listened again and now I am all fired up and "ready" again!

The Links, for I am not a voice crying in the wilderness, there are many much more qualified and learned that have studied these things.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycEx1BNAB7Y -Kameran Fally

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RhT9EJRqWE - Gill Brousard

JONATHAN CAHN - September 3rd 2015 - COLLAPSE has BEGUN - Part 2 - Jonathan Cahn

Just the messanger, now I am excited again.

Lots of love Edwina.