Michael Colunga (26 Oct 2014)
"Urgent Prayer Request"


Hello, John and Doves,


Please pray with me for Dr. Jim McCauley, his team, and their families.

From Maranatha Chapel, San Diego, California:

Join Us In Prayer 

Please pray for a dear Christian brother Dr. Jim McCauley, who has been appointed by CDC to head up a team of 50 other CDC people in Sierra Leone, the very center of the Ebola breakout.  Jim's major concerns are:

  • To slow down the transmission rate
  • Need for patient care without breaking protocol for their own safety​
  • That all of his fellow CDC members also remain safe and infection free​
  • For God-given wisdom and stamina to carry out this work
  • Above all that the people are given the Gospel message
  • Prayer for Amy (Jim's wife), that she will be able to manage the ministry in Uganda  without Jim's presence; for her peace as regards to Jim's safety and health; and prayer for Chris (their 18 year old son who is a senior in high school and having difficulty coping with Jim's assignment).

"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints." Ephesians 6:18


