Bob Ware (26 Oct 2014)
"Center of John's Genesis 1:1 Pyramid links the Breastpiece and the 63rd Triangle Number 2016"


Clay has been working with Strong's word numbers for a long time. I found some interesting anomalies around them and thought I would pass them on to you.



There is a string of 100 consecutive missing numbers in Strong's Greek dictionary: 3203 to 3302. There is just one other single Strong's Greek number missing: 2717.


        This is a total of 101 missing Greek word numbers.


                12.30.2017 is the 101st day of 5778 (the 107th triangle number).


                        107 is the rapture number.


When 2717 is the area of a circle the perimeter of the triangle is 153 and the perimeter of the golden rectangle is 162.


        153 is the trinity reduction of 888 and 162 is the first of the three stones totaling 888.


The perimeter of the: triangle, square, golden rectangle and circle circumference total 666.




The highest Greek word number is 5624.


        5624 - 101 missing numbers = 5523 Greek words.


When 5523 is the perimeter of a golden rectangle then the arc opposite the long side of this rectangle is Greek gematria of 'ANTICHRIST' (2041).



5523 Greek words = 3 x 7 x 263.


12.26.2004 earthquake that killed 250,000 + 2 x 7 x 263 days will be 1.25.2015.


5523 - 4524 (circumference of the 'Circle of Time') = 999 > Breastpiece diagonal and exact average value of the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Jesus Christ' (1143) and 'JESUS CHRIST' (855).


5523 to 5775 (current Jewish year) = 253 inclusive Jewish years.


        253 is the 7th Star of David number.


Jewish year 5523 spanned the Gregorian years 1762 to 1763.


        1762 = 2 x 881 > 153rd prime number and center of the 'Prime List'.


5523 = 2701 + 121 + 2701.


        121 is the 5th Star of David number and each side of the '726' hexagon.


        121 is at the center of the two 2701's and 121 is the radius from the center of the circle around the '726' hexagon.




The gap in Strong's Greek numbering holds 485 values between missing word numbers 2717 and 3203.
        485 = 5 x 97
Since there are 97 leap years in a 400-year Gregorian cycle, there are 485 leap days in 2000 years, or 2003 leading up to, but not including 2004.
        That is the range of the 'Prime List' > 1 to 2003.


The center word between the missing Strong's Greek word numbers 2717 and 3203 is number 2960.


Word number 2960:

κυριακος kuriakos {koo-ree-ak-os'} from 2962; TDNT - 3:1095,486; adj AV - Lord's 2; 2 1) belonging to the Lord 2) related to the Lord

gematria = 821.

        2960 = 2 x 1480 'CHRIST'


        >From 2717 (242 + 1 + 242) to 3203


                242 = 2 x 121


                        242 is the diameter of a circle around the '726' hexagon.



kuriakos appears in two verses:

1 Co 11:20

        "When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper."

gematria is 7930 > 10 x 793 > 12th Star of David and 654th composite number > 12 + 654 = 666 > 793 English gematria of 'BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA'.

Rev 1:10

        "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,"

Gematria 7820.

        Gematrias: 7930 - 7820 = 110Rev 1:10 and 110 stories in the Twin Towers.

When 7820 is the sum of the perimeters of the: triangle, square, golden rectangle and the circumference of the circle around them then the perimeter of the triangle is 1795 > sum of the ASCII codes for 'Barack Hussein Obama'.


Word number 2960 is the center of the gap between missing Greek word numbers.


        2960 = 2 x 1480


The highest numbered word (5624) minus 2960 = 4 x 666, or 1998 + 666, or 2368 ('JESUS CHRIST') + 296 ('earth' in GN 1:1... Jesus returning to earth).


2017 spans the majority of 5777.


        5777 - 5624 = 153 (trinity reduction of 888).


Two facts linked together: there are a total of 101 missing Greek word numbers and 107 is the rapture number.


        Rosh Hashanah 5778 (9.20.2017) + 101 days will be 12.30.2017.


        5778 is the 107th triangle number.


        1.25.2015 to 12.30.2017 = 10 x 107 days.


        11.28.2014 will be 3 x 107 days after Ariel Sharon died.


11.28.2014 + 1128 days = 12.30.2017.


11.28.2014 + 1260 days (first half of Tribulation) = 5.11.2018 (the last day around the 'Circle of Time').


1128 + 913 ('In the beginning'... beginning of the Tribulation?) = 2041 ('ANTICHRIST' revealed on 11.28.2014?).


1128 hexadecimal = 4392 decimal (number of days served by the four assassinated Presidents).


Thanksgiving Day on 11.27.2014 in the U.S. will be 11.28.2014 in Israel.


        The rapture on 11.28.2014 would be a day of thanksgiving!


From the day the Titanic sank to 11.27.2014 will be 37 x 1013 days. 1013 > prime number gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST'.




There are two common ways to give a date: Day then Month, or Month then Day.
        (28 x 11) + (11 x 28) = 616 > the alternate gematria for the number of the Beast.


28 November 2014 may be another day to watch.




The attached ‘Pyramid’ of triangle numbers overlaps: the 63rd triangle number 2016, the 73rd triangle number 2701 and the 107th triangle number 5778.