TH (4 Oct 2013)
"H U R R Y          SCURRY"

                       H U R R Y          SCURRY

        The other day,  I left my "little log cabin in the woods" and went into
the World.   Wow!  People rushing everywhere.  Hurry, scurry, blurry, worry.
Not many people realize that we're all living in a "petri dish" and as a
consequence they NEVER LOOK UP because if they did, they would
see this very large eye (figuratively speaking, of course)  looking at all
the goings on and keeping a DETAILED ACCOUNT of every action and
thought.  The expression "running to and fro" comes immediately to mind
when you haven't been exposed to today's bustle for a while.  I'm not
pointing fingers mind you, I was doing the same thing, and with gusto, 
until I COMPLETELY SURRENDERED to the LORD (Holy Spirit) and
let HIM start running things for me.  Not only did my life slow down, but
my perspective changed a lot.  That was probably the most impactive
change brought about by a personal surrender of my will to the leading
of the LORD in ALL aspects of my life.  You can't help but see things in
an entirely new way.  We are driven by our priorities are we not? When
your view of things, events, people and relationships are observed and
interacted with, after becoming one of CHRIST'S  OWN, it all changes.
For instance, people that you were at odds with for some reason or 
another, take on a whole new meaning to you.  I know!  Seems impossible
right?  But it's true.  Folks that were regarded with disgust are now 
regarded with sympathy. (and I mean you REALLY feel  genuinely sorry
for them) Animosity you felt towards another, becomes a sadness for
them that you never thought  yourself capable of feeling for that person.
          This change of feelings(Heart) is REAL and coming from HIM  cuz
you know for sure, "It's HIM, because you just KNOW you couldn't have
a Genuine Change of Attitude if left to your own devices."  That's why
We could never be acceptable to the FATHER without CHRIST.  
         Remember, a relationship with CHRIST doesn't stop us from sinning, but
as our FRIEND,  HE OVERLOOKS our SIN and STANDS  UP for us
when we face HIS DAD for our everlasting determination.
       If you consider HIM to be a SAVIOR,  let HIM BE YOUR'S by getting
to Know HIM and let HIM truly lead you on a path acceptable to HIM.
You will find that you will "like" the NEW you better as well.  How could you
not if HE is "Allowed" to change you into a person HE would not deny knowing.
HE is right there, right in front of you, waiting for you to ask HIM for HIS hand.
Take it!!  It's yours for the asking!  Take it, and let HIM make of you what HE WILL!
What a  ride it will be!!   How about YOU right now? Wanna get on board?
In today's "lingo" wadda trip!  If today's younger generation wants an alternative
reality, drugs, music, sex, and etc. don't even come close to the THRILL of a
relationship with JESUS.  It is the ULTIMATE  HIGH !  Try HIM and see for yourself!
Let HIM drop HIS "dime" on YOU !   It will be unbelievable.

                          MARANATHA !

                                      TH                                 (Gino,   Thanks ! )