TH (11 Oct 2013)
"WHY DO CHRISTIANS COMPETE?     (again and again)"

          WHY DO CHRISTIANS COMPETE?     (again and again)

Why is it that "believers" argue about scripture and it's meaning ?
There seems to be an innate instinct in man to out do his neighbor.
Could this be a survival  issue left over from a much harsher world?
Or is it the ego of man that requires the admiration of his fellows?
We have all heard that "knowledge is power" and that is probably true,
but is that what those who argue their point of view seeking?  Or is it
the admiration of peers that drives the debate?  Does being "correct"
bring a higher reward in Heaven? A bigger mansion ?  One thing for
sure about human nature is that when we ourselves are not 100 %
sure of something,  we want others to share our conclusions so as
to validate our beliefs so we argue to convince them to our thinking.

         Why are CHILDREN given as an ideal of Faith to inherit the
Kingdom of Heaven?  They don't argue points of Scripture, they simply
believe.  Those that argue seem to lack the kind of child-like Faith
that Jesus so loves.  We know that satan is a competitor of the first
degree.  Total  ego !   Also the Jewish leaders of Christ's day were
into their interpretations of Scripture, from which they formed their
"rules and laws" which drew harsh rebuke from Jesus.  The RCC also
has fallen into that system that has grown to this day.  They firmly
believe that their interpretation of Scripture (and rules ) are absolute.
This to the point that they have the POWER to excommunicate any
one from the church, thereby  denying them entry to Heaven.

        As it is said "there is nothing new under the sun".  Man will do
what he has always done.  We have, in this day of "advanced knowledge"
and understanding, to shed our competitive nature and return
ourselves to a simple child-like Faith as we draw ever so nearer to
His return.  And let's remember that everyones relationship with
Jesus is as PERSONAL and UNIQUE as any MARRIAGE.  Let's return to our
honeymoon like relationship with Him and let Him guide our growth
in His way through the Holy Spirit and not compare our own "wisdom"
to that of our brothers and sisters.  Could this be what He was saying
with the "little child" example.  Just a thought from a simple believer.

         There are those that will read a certain passage or verse in the
BIBLE and take it out of context, innocently enough, because it rings
true to them personally and they miss what it's really saying or their
"translation" leaves room for mis-interpretation that they embrace.
They then defend it as it is meaningful and rings true to them.  Often it
is an interpretation they have heard in church by their pastor and is
accepted by the congregation and therefore legitimized. No one wants
to think they "got it wrong" especially if it has personal meaning to them
in their life and their belief. See: 1John 2:27. Without the INDWELLING
of the HOLY SPIRIT there is NO TRUTH!  For it is HIM and ONLY HIM
that LEADS into ALL TRUTH!  Can't argue with that, or mis-interpret
what that verse says can you? If a person REALLY has the HOLY SPIRIT
in him he would not feel the need to justify his understanding by arguing
about it with others. He would leave it to the HOLY SPIRIT and not their
own jealous pride to be"correct".  He would take it to the LORD IN
PRAYER and follow the HOLY SPIRIT'S  leading in the matter as we
are instructed to do. After all, "little children" KNOW what "Daddy" says
is RIGHT , they just accept it on FAITH.  THIS is what the LORD wants of us!
Doesn't HE!?  1Cor. 3:16-20....1Cor. 2: 13/14.....Gal.5:16.&25-26


P.S.....I used this analogy in another post recently and got some
             positive feedback on it so I'll present it here again as an
             example of how the LORD probably views our competing
             with one another:  Picture yourself in a "mud wrestling pit"
             covered from head to toe in mud.  You then wipe some mud
              off your arm leaving a "clean" spot.  You then point to the
              fellow next to you that hasn't wiped his arm and proclaim
              that you are a better Christian than he is because you are
               less dirty than him.  Hmmm? Something to think about the
               next time you get to feeling that you're more "correct".