Rene (4 Oct 2013)
"re: Little David's article--- & the AC"

Great article, but the man never made me swoon. I knew when I first saw him that he was evil.  Nothing has since happened to convince me otherwise! He is an enigma. WHY does he have scars criss-crossing his entire scalp? Some people believe he is a CLONE of an Egyptian pharoh and when he was born, he had the ELONGATED HEAD of a alien and had to have surgery to give him a normal-looking skull! Why is the antichrist called pharoh of Egypt, the Syrian,  the "little horn," the "Son of Perdition?"  Why are flies always landing on him? Some of the large black flies that have landed on him are known for only landing on dead carcasses and cow plop. The sphinx is a hermaphrodite,  and truth be known - this man is probably a hermaphrodite (and has scars in other places). No wonder all of this information is being revealed to Christians about his true identity, while the rest of the world is going its merry way in total denial.
No one has the kind of scars he has without having had some sort of life-altering trauma! (A deadly head wound?) All the secrecy surrounding him? That bizarre mask on the back of his head? Somebody is hiding something! They have to keep his medical records sealed ABOVE ALL!  Why does Soros support him? Everyone knows that Soros is a satanist; so is everyone in his crowd. They are all illuminati and satan worshippers. The whole world has been deceived into this charade! And he managed to take over the office of the most powerful nation in the world? Does anyone really think he is ever going to relinquish that power? He is a shifting chameleon (reptile).  We haven't even seen his TRUE colors yet!  He is there to stay - until Jesus Himself returns and establishes his righteous kingdom.
I have heard Christian preachers say that a nation always gets the LEADERS that they deserve! Well, look around you if you happen to be in the US (or Sweden or the UK, etc.) My, my what a far cry we are from our founding days when people really clung to their Bibles and loved God and righteousness. >From that to a nation of baby-killing, pervert-protecting, criminal-coddling, lawless, greedy, bloodthirsty, indifferent, psychotic, mindless, God-hating anarchists! How did that happen? Well, for the most part, people abandoned the BIBLE. We rejected God's final authority for the authority of man, just like Israel rejected God ruling over them and asked for their own king. They got Saul (a type of the antichrist); we got the "real thing".
When we killed off generations of our children, God simply opened the doors (via immigration, legal and illegal) to thousands of radical muslims and American-hating mobs (looking for nothing more than a lifetime of government handouts paid for by crippling taxes) that now surround the few righteous-loving Christians who are left. Now we have a cancer growing in our midst, spreading its tentacles everywhere, and if it is removed, it is so entrenched -- that the patient dies.  By looking the other way, we have allowed homosexuals (who become violently aggressive once they take power) to establish the laws of the land.  The only thing that is certain for America is that God will judge us just as he judged the 12 tribes of Israel and scattered them for centuries. Soon it will be against the LAW  in the U.S. (just as it is in England now) to say anything - ANYTHING negative about homosexuals, pro-choicers, muslims and anyone --- EXEPT Bible-believing Christians (who will always be subject to condemnation and ridicule as long as the god of this world has his way). WE are the new enemy of the state because WE refuse to CONFORM!  And that is what it is all about! Holding hands with the enemy, conforming to the world. Go against that grain and you are a reprobate! Why do you think everyone LOVES the purpose-driven pastor so much? Because he is holding hands with the world. Soon, the Christians who believe in the literal words of scripture and the return of Jesus will not only be condemned by the world but by all the "Christians" who have gone into total heresy as well. Remember that Paul was a Jew and his biggest enemies ended up being other Jews.
Meanwhile...back at the ranch....Our hope is in Christ.