Rene (11 Oct 2013)
"God's many ways of warning"

God has graciously given the world many, many multiple warnings that HE is returning soon and the door of GRACE is about to close... For some people, it will close forever.  Consider all the recent warnings:
  • Rivers, lakes, ponds, tides turning BLOOD RED
  • Blood red rain falling in diverse places in the world
  • thousands of birds falling from the sky for no apparent reason
  • massive fish kills for no apparent reason
  • massive marine life deaths for no apparent reason (e.g. starfish, prawn, crab, squid..)
  • massive deaths of entire honey bee populations in various parts of the world
  • mammals (buffalo, whales, bison, antelope, deer, cows, etc.) keeling over dead for no reason
  • mighty vision given to Bill Wiese where God allowed him to be taken to hell to return & testify that it is a literal and terrifying place!
  • God giving more and more visions and dreams to the young and the old - mostly warning that judgment and HIS return are coming
  • trumpet sounds and other percussion-sounding instruments crashing through the atmosphere in multiple countries throughout the world
  • bizarre happenings in the solar system and other galaxies
  • comets blazing through our solar system (in multiples!)
  • major earthquakes coming in triplets in weird places
  • crop failures, locust plagues, sinkholes swallowing people up in seconds
  • new diseases born every day; old diseases reappearing (black death, plague, TB, smallpox).
  • antibiotic-resistant microbes rearing their ugly heads
  • flooding in different countries of "biblical" proportions (this is how secular news media described them!)
  • flight from traditional Christianity
  • generation of lukewarm, indifferent, covetous, selfish populations
  • abandonment of final authority  (King James Bible) for doctrines of  devils
  • abandonment of traditional morals and tolerance for any type of sin, regardless of how perverse
  • rise in the occult and wiccan religions
  • rise of anarchy and loss of natural affection in humanity (women killing their own babies, children killing their parents, fathers deserting their families)
  • massive rise in suicide, people simply giving up
  • ridicule of anything that is holy or revered and increasing ridicule of Christians, the Bible and Biblical doctrines
  • flight from reality into fantasy (via video games, movies, etc.)
  • increased mechanization at the workplace, with increasing demands on workers 
  • hearts failing for FEAR of all the things coming on the earth
  • corruption in government and law enforcement 
  • from loss of reverence for the dignity of life to the wide scale acceptance of murder in just a few short years (abortion, euthanasia)
  • increasing tolerance for all religions EXCEPT Christianity (just as what happened in pagan Rome)!
  • lawlessness
  • increase in government crackdown on freedom and opinion in democratic nations
  • rising spread of radical islam
  • wars on every continent
  • every man doing what is right in his own eyes
  • increasing acceptance of idolatry and multiple gods
  • tsunamis taking out the lives of thousands of people and their homes
  • tornadoes wiping out entire towns & cities and whipping through countries 100+ at a time
  • nuclear disaster threatening all life on the planet! (Fukishima)
  • People "dying" and going to heaven - then coming back & warning the world that the Bible is REAL, God is REAL, and judgment is coming
  • burdening taxes on workers while more and more people not only demand handouts, but outright lying about needing handouts without a twinge of conscience!
  • psychopathic youth who think it is cool to gain notoriety by shooting up a classroom full of little children
  • increased usage of illicit drugs and tolerance for legalizing them
I am sure many of you could add to this list. It grows every day!