Randy (14 Oct 2013)
"6 Months until FIRST Blood Moon Tetrad.....I will count it down, month by month !!"


The Blood Moon Tetrad "sign" is EVERYWHERE I turn these days.
This morning it was John Hagee who dedicated another 1 hour TV show to its discussion.   Will it be EVERYTHING we are all looking for as the BIG, FINAL sign??
6 MONTHS TO GO until we reach the FIRST of the Blood Moons.......mid April, 2014......
So, what's going on in the world with 6 months to go?
Just a few things........off the top of my head..I"m sure there are more!
1) US Government looks like a 3rd world country........ (But, I do NOT believe they will default.  I think they will kick the can down the road AGAIN.....6 more weeks?)
Remember:  NO TOTAL COLLAPSE of the US and World Economies until when?  Until AFTER the Rapture!!..... NOW, IF the Rapture is SOON, then let the disaster begin.....and ya, it could begin with a US default....but NOT unless the Rapture happens!!
US Debt Limit and budget deficits  (some people want to point to the fact that the Annual Budget Deficit is ONE HALF of what it was a few years ago....  REALLY?  BIG FRICKIN' DEAL......    we are still NOWHERE NEAR losing all the RED deficit, year over year...into the foreseeable future!!   Ah, perspective and spin, UGH!!
2) Israel ready to go after Iran to keep Iran from nukes?   Netenyahu is NOT backing down......continues to warn the western nations, especially the USA, "don't be fooled!!"
3) Peace talks between Israel and those incredible Palestinians.  An article last week suggested the Palestinians feel like they are already on the losing side......and they still have 6 months, until John Kerry's target of 9 months is reached.  If these talks do NOT lead to a peace agreement, The question WILL BECOME....."which side didn't give it their best try?"  Because, they WILL HAVE to answer to John Kerry and the USA and the World....if NO solution is reached.  AND, the Palestinians have already said "there will be another Intifada IF there is NO peace agreement at the end of these 9 months.....   Yada Yada Yada.....  same 'ol crap from the Palestinians again and again and again!!!
Let's see how these 3 things.....just these 3.......develop, or not, over the next 6 months!!  Month by month, as the countdown continues!!