Neil Lipken (14 Oct 2013)
"It's coming!"

We are now 65 years and 5 months into these End Times (from the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948).  Right now people are "eating, drinking, buying, selling, building, planting, marrying, etc.".  In other words, life is normal exactly as it should be before the Rapture / "sudden destruction" event.  Right now most people, most Christians, and most pastors are totally oblivious to the final end time events that MUST play out according to God's Word in the Bible.  The Bible tells us that the days of the coming of the Son of Man (Rapture) are JUST LIKE the days of Noah.  No one wanted to hear Noah's message, and only 8 people (including Noah) survived the flood.  The destruction that is coming right after the Rapture is going to be horrific, but no one wants to hear the message just as in Noah's day!  And few are leaving in the Rapture!

At the last minute the problems described below may be resolved, and everything continue to run normally for awhile longer in these End Times.  On the other hand, this coming week may begin the "mess" that will lead to the Rapture and sudden destruction.  Only the Most High knows what this week will bring.  But the hour is indeed late, and the final end time events WILL play out.  Make no mistake about that, no matter how unwelcome this is among Christians, pastors, and anyone else!  The question is not IF, but only WHEN!


P.S.  And in case anyone forgot Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent speech at the United Nations, he specifically said that Israel WILL NOT ALLOW Iran to gain nuclear weapons, even if no other nation in the world takes action.  Only the Most High knows when Israel will have to launch their military attack.  And that will create a huge mess and very likely world war, which very likely is the "sudden destruction" event.


What would a U.S. default look like?


When America hits the debt ceiling on October 17, and can no longer borrow, to pay its debts….  The dominoes start falling.  Look at the first domino:

I see the “elderly” and those on Social Security will soon get hit – HARD.



OCT. 17

The Treasury Department exhausts all available tools to stay under the cap on borrowing and can no longer add to the national debt. Treasury expects it would still have about $30 billion cash on hand to cover its bills. Among the many inflows and outflows that day, it takes in $6.75 billion in taxes but pays out $10.9 billion in Social Security retirement checks. By the end of the day, its cushion has eroded to $27.5 billion.


October 24 is an especially rough day: Treasury pays $1.8 billion to defense contractors, $2.2 billion to doctors and hospitals that treat elderly patients through the Medicare program, and $11.1 billion in Social Security, while taking in only $9.6 billion in taxes and other income.


OCT. 30

Default happens. By the end of the day, the government is $7 billion short of what it needs to pay all of its bills.

So who gets stiffed?

Everybody, according to the Obama administration.

Treasury says it doesn't have the ability to pick and choose who gets paid. The last time the government faced this situation in 2011, they planned to wait until public coffers were full enough to pay a full day's bills before cutting any checks, according to a Treasury Department watchdog report from 2012.

That would mean delays for everybody: the local schools that are owed $680 million, welfare recipients owed $553 million and defense contractors owed $972 million.

Some companies that count the government as a major customer would take a big hit. "If you're Lockheed Martin ... it's a big deal," said R. Bruce Josten, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's top lobbyist.

Payment delays would grow longer as the default continues, sapping billions of dollars out of the economy within days.