Michael Colunga (14 Oct 2013)
"One day, Jemput-jemput is going to be so full of himself..."

Hello, John and Doves,
One day, Jemput-jemput [who currently holds sway over this "banana" republic] is going to be so full of himself, that he will demand to be the Empanada of the World.
Of course, Yeshua HaMashiach will capture him and the false prophet and cast them alive into the lake of fire, much like Gollum falling into the Crack of Doom.  [See Revelation 19:11-21]
But did you ever think how is it going to happen?
The AC is going to be caught up short, before he can execute the full extent of his appetite for destruction.
AC:  But wait a minute!  I'm not done!!!
Yeshua:  You heard it, boys!  He's not done!  Throw him in the hot oil prepared for the devil and his angels!  [Matthew 25:41]
Clearly, the LORD brooks no rivals.  [Isaiah 44]