James S (11 Oct 2013)
" "Once again...Modern Day Science Proves Scriptural Truth......""

James S....."Once again...Modern Day Science Proves Scriptural Truth......"

Researchers have determined that the pineal gland, the gland that
allows us to spiritually connect with God, is significantly larger in
children, and begins shrinking after a child reaches the age of
puberty. Jesus may
have not only been eluding to a spiritual truth here, but also, basis
researchers findings in more recent years, where they've discovered
that the physical size of
the pineal gland in prepubescent boys and girls is at its largest size
during childhood, and that after puberty, begins to shrink throughout
the remainder of an individuals life, therefore implicating a direct
between the likelihood that a child, as their pineal gland is at it's
largest size,
and as a result, at it's highest functioning, will connect spiritually
with God.

So, has science, unbeknownst to it's researchers, confirmed yet another
spiritual truth
Found in God's Word?

Matthew 18:3Amplified Bible (AMP)
3 And said, Truly I say to you, unless you repent (change, turn about)
and become like little children [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving],

you can never enter the kingdom of heaven [at all].

There is also a very interesting account recorded in Scripture that
mentions a place called "Peniel"....where Jacob wrestled with a
Man......God, Himself, there, and as a result, changes Jacob's name to
"Israel." Isn't it interesting, that the name of the place where this
match took place is called "Peniel"......a different spelling, of
course, but this
word in Genesis actually means ......"
... (So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying) “For I have
seen God face to face....and yet my life has been delivered...."

Genesis 32:21-32
English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)

Jacob Wrestles with God

22) The same night he arose and took his two wives, his two female
servants, and his eleven children,[a] and crossed the ford of the
Jabbok. 23 He took them and sent them across the stream, and everything
else that he had. 24 And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with
him until the breaking of the day. 25 When the man saw that he did not
prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip was
put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 26 Then he said, “Let me go,
for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless
you bless me.” 27 And he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said,
“Jacob.” 28 Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob,
but Israel,[b] for you have striven with God and with men, and have
prevailed.” 29 Then Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” But he
said, “Why is it that you ask my name?” And there he blessed him. 30 So
Jacob called the name of the place Peniel,[c] saying, “For I have seen
God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.” 31 The sun rose
upon him as he passed Penuel, limping because of his hip. 32 Therefore
to this day the people of Israel do not eat the sinew of the thigh that
is on the hip socket, because he touched the socket of Jacob's hip on
the sinew of the thigh.
To me, this encounter that Jacob experienced at "Peniel".....sounds a
whole lot like the salvation experience, we as believers go through,
when our pineal gland miraculously allows us to connect with God's
Spirit for the first time ever in our lives, and we become born again.
When God's Spirit first convicts us, letting us know about our sin
nature and, as a result, our separation from Him, it isn't a pleasant
feeling at all, at first, and many begin to wrestle with God in their
minds, trying to convince Him (more so ourselves) that we don't need a
Savior, we're really just fine and dandy the way we are, but God's
Spirit keeps wrestling with us, letting us know that we indeed do need
to be transformed, changed into His Son's image and likeness if we are
to be reconciled to Him.

I don’t think God has ever been in a WWF ring, but there is a recorded
event in the Bible which could be the ancient equivalent, at least if
it were interpreted literally. Did Jacob, Abraham’s grandson, really
wrestle God like the scripture seems to say he did? If so, it would be
one of the stranger stories of the Bible. But we can rest assured the
story isn’t about a man wrestling the Almighty. So what’s the story
really about, and how can it help us in our spiritual journey?

As it turns out, this story is quite profound! It was meant to teach us
about God, and more importantly, it teaches us about a spiritual
journey “within”. It is the same “within” that Jesus speaks of when he
states that the Kingdom of God is within you.

Let’s dive into the wrestling match of Jacob and God in Genesis to
understand what I mean. Jacob’s wrestling match with God takes place
near the end of Genesis chapter 32. Jacob is in the process of
returning to the land God promised Abraham. At one point in the
journey, Jacob divides up his family and animals into different
companies and sends them ahead while he stays back on one side of a
creek. He is completely alone. According to the Biblical story,
something strange happens that night; a mysterious man wrestles with
him until daybreak. But who is this mystery man and where did he come
from? The story gets even stranger. This mystery man could not beat
Jacob at the wrestling match, but he is able to dislocate Jacob’s
thigh. This same man then tries to leave once morning comes, but Jacob
doesn’t let him, at least not until he gets a blessing from the man.
When all is said and done, the man tells Jacob that “…Thy name shall no
more be called Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with
God and with men, and has prevailed.” (Gen 32:28).

Here we get our first hint that the mystery man is God himself. The
fact that the Biblical author means the mystery man to be God is
revealed two verses later:

“And Jacob called the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face,
and my life is preserved.” (Gen 32:30).

A couple of things to note here: first we see that the mystery man
Jacob wrestled with is God himself. Second we see that Jacob prevailed
in the struggle with God. If we think about all of this literally, it
makes no sense. So, as always, I ask the question: what is the real
spirit of the scripture in this story?

I want you to notice that Jacob said he saw God “face to face.” This is
where things get really interesting. While Jacob did not see a literal
face, he did see God, or at least the Biblical writer’s concept of God.
It just wasn’t with the physical eyes. There’s a special word in verse
30 that tips us off to what this whole experience was really about, and
although it’s not common knowledge, ancient world stories were full of
this kind of experience. It all has to do with the word “Peniel.” Verse
thirty already told us that Peniel was the name Jacob gave the place
where the wrestling match with God happened. But that’s not what’s
important. What is important is that “Peniel” is meant to be a real
place inside you! Now pay attention, because this is how the story of
Jacob’s wrestling match affects you.

There is a special gland that sits at the center of the brain called
the Pineal gland. In ancient cultures it was known as the “third eye.”
It is known as an eye because the Pineal gland in your brain has a
special relationship to light. Just like the retina of your physical
eyes, the Pineal gland also contains light-sensitive cells. In fact,
they are similar to some of the cells that make up the retina.

I now want you to dwell on a very important quote by Jesus given in
Matthew so that you understand how serious this is:

“…The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light.” (Matthew 6:22).

Jesus is not talking about the two eyes that you see the physical world
with. Rather, he is talking about your Pineal gland, or what ancient
cultures called the “third eye!” Jesus refers to this as a single eye
because the pineal gland would not have a left and right hemisphere
like your brain.

So what does Jesus’ statement and Jacob’s experience mean to you?

A pineal gland that is “full of light” is representative of an
extraordinary spiritual experience, where we transcend consciousness on
the physical plane and merge with God on the spiritual plane. The
pineal gland has more to do with the seat of the soul and consciousness
than the actual brain, and thus, this type of experience with the
pineal gland could expand your consciousness. At least this is what the
spiritual men of many ancient cultures believed, and since even modern
medical science still sees the pineal gland as an enigma, I wouldn’t be
so quick to pass this off as ancient hogwash. We do know that the
pineal gland regulates and affects sleeping and waking patterns through
its interpretation of light.

With that being said, it would now be a good time to remind you of the
fact that the Bible states “God is light.” So could it be that the
Biblical authors are trying to explain a profound mystery about God and
our consciousness through spiritual language and symbols? Of course!

Returning to the story of Jacob’s wrestling match, it is important for
us to understand what is meant when the Genesis author states that
Jacob saw God “face to face.” Remember, this statement is made in
conjunction with naming the wrestling match location “Peniel” (don’t
let the different spelling fool you). We can now say that the light of
the pineal gland is associated with God’s face! In other words, it is
symbolic of experiencing the light of God beyond the physical plane of
the five senses. And somehow the physical pineal gland is a doorway of
sorts to a higher reality. Let me state that again for anyone who might
be confused. Your pineal gland could be a doorway to a higher state of
consciousness. This does not mean that the physical you goes anywhere,
but rather, the higher you is realized by a spiritual experience where
your pineal gland is awakened.

Now notice that the scripture story states that Jacob was “alone” when
this encounter with God happened. This signifies the necessity of going
to our prayer closet to get in touch with our inner selves through
prayer and meditation. Meditation is one preferred method of having
this type of Pineal, or Peniel, experience. Meditation is the key.
Meditation has a profound effect on consciousness, and I believe it is
one method that can energetically awaken the pineal gland, or your
third eye.

For anyone who is still not sure how real this experience can be, I
suggest you do some research into what the ancients believed about the
“third eye.” I would also remind you of the fact that Jesus clearly
stated that the kingdom does not come by observation (seeing of the
physical eyes), but that the Kingdom of God has to be realized “within”

Please don’t think this experience is going to be quick. If you read
Jacob’s life story, you’ll soon discover that life was tough on him,
and he traveled a long hard road. But in the end Jacob finally had this
Peniel experience that made him “Israel” (remember the name change)
instead of Jacob. Jacob was a physical man. Israel was a spiritual man.
This is also why Paul tells us that an Israelite has nothing to do with
a blood line, but it is a spiritual definition. A spiritual Israelite
is one who has had the Peniel experience. Think about Paul’s experience
on the road to Dasmascus. Didn’t he have some kind of spiritual
revelation of Christ through the presence of a “bright light!?”

I believe the Peniel experience is a type of born again experience. It
is also a resurrection experience. If you wish to have this experience
too, I recommend that you get to your prayer closet and start a
meditation program!

I hope this article has helped go beneath the literal interpretation of
the scripture and reveal to you the hidden mysterious of the Kingdom.
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