GM (11 Oct 2013)
"Marilyn re GM re Earnest"

Marilyn re GM re Earnest


GM (4 Oct 2013) "Earnest N re Man’s calendar"



 Thanks for your input and correction.  Silly errors I miss are a way God keeps me humble.  I actually try to find those things but am often distracted by the process of turning thoughts into letters, silly things.  J


I’ll try to reference your input in order:


Regarding the creation calendar guy, I agree that he is not a reliable source.  I was thinking Torah calendar, with which he seems to have some relationship.


Regarding calendars, my thought is that we have ample evidence to suggest that God (G_d for the Hebrews) is using the current Hillel to speak to the Hebrew nation today.


My only purpose was to simply note a concept that was reflecting an even 2000 years.


I recently bumped into writings by this individual and found his teachings to sound well founded, but based on non-biblical, non-Hebraic teachings.  Also, he freely launches into criticisms of historical work without backing up his claims about them.


You copied this below:


Ø  Only time land is returned to the previous owner is on a "Jubilee".The > corrected year was 1950 when Jerusalem was returned. Those who > understand time his return will also be on a Jubilee year. This is how a > Holy a perfect God works.”


I did not write this, it is one of Earnest’s comments.  In fact, it is a comment that I struggled with and started to hurt my brain until I read through the post a couple of times. 


Regarding Jesus’ birth, I know you have done a very commendable study and have offered more here than I have previously seen.  Applying the date of birth to events later in life is indeed interesting.  That is part of the “full speed ahead” study I was lead through this summer, albeit with a different starting point.


I need a bit more time to fully take in your study of these times.  I do agree that 9/23/2015 should be a big day and likely the announcement of the jubilee.


You are correct regarding my intention to reference 13 A.D. rather than 2013.  Thank you for understanding.  As I was writing that off the top of my head, very late, I actually miss-stated my own year.  I subtracted the one transitional BC AD year from 2 instead of 3 BC. 


To clarify, I consider that Jesus’ conception was about Sept. 20, 3 B.C.  To me, this is how he came on Rosh Hashanah.  Looking at Stellarium, or the like, in Virgo I believe you will find it interesting; Mars at the head of Virgo, Mercury at the shoulders and the Sun at Spica with the moon conjuncting.  More writing is necessary to do this justice.  For now, consider Luke stating that Gabriel came to Mary in the sixth month.  If the sixth month is indeed Elul, then this may have happened very shortly before Rosh Hashanah officially began.  Jesus birth would follow in June, which was Tamuz that year.  I really should write this up more extensively.


I appreciate your study, and thanks for helping me clarify my comments.