Gary Rich (4 Oct 2013)
"Make a joyful shout to God !"

Psalm 66 vs 1 & 4 tells us to " make a joyful shout to God, all the earth. All the earth shall worship You and sing praises to You. They shall sing praises to your name " . My friends in Christ, there is a very good reason why we Christian believers should be making a joyful shout to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. That is because He is coming back for us soon. All the signs and world events are pointing to the very soon return of Jesus Christ to rapture His church-age believers to heaven and then the beginning of the Tribulation Judgements as described in the Book of Revelation
So yes we should be making lots of joyful shouts and praises to our Savior. We should be spending what little time we have left in this world on things that have eternal value. Like sharing our faith with others. Only 2 percent of the Christian church is involved in evangelism / soul winning efforts. Lets all up that percentage and be about our Father's business of saving lost souls for eternity. Cuase soon you will be hearing that heavenly trumpet calling you heaven-bound !
have a blessed day,   Gary