Gary Newman (11 Oct 2013)
"MAP feedback"

Hi MAP & Doves:

The immediate impression I received was concerning TRUST and LOVE.

This is a big issue as to what do our hearts really trust in.
Do we trust in; Money, precious metals, our careers, institutions,
other people or our businesses?

The world economy will collapse when the rapture occurs, starting
with the dollar.
This has been planned for a long time and be replaced by a world
digital currency with transactions being controlled by the RFID chip.

 If our love or our trust is money then what happens to us when the
Lord Jesus comes for HIS Bride and the idolaters are left behind?
When the economy implodes and all money world wide becomes nothing
what will a millionaire have? A million nothings! A sinkhole seems
a great analogy for our trust and love for this present world system.

I used to be in business and Christian business men need to be careful
as business though legitimate can easily cause one to take their
eyes off the Lord so that they are not watching and not at all
concerned whether Jesus is coming or not!

While in business and doing quite well the Lord spoke to me and
said "If money is all you want, money is all you will get", after
that I had to sincerely repent with tears.

We had gold probably equivalent to £150k by today's value, the
Lord spoke again and said " You won't need that, I am your salvation"
The Lord was indicating that He will redeem us before the currency collapse.
We than sold it and gave the money to an orphanage in India. This
was just so unbelievably freeing we don't have to rely on ourselves since;
God is our shield and our exceeding great reward.

Now both me and my wife love Jesus with all our hearts waiting daily
at His doors and anticipating our soon being gathered by Him and
beholding His glory. I like to get up in the nights on occasions
just to worship and not to ask for anything and the Lord spoke to
me last night and said; "You are like two virgins before Me" Meaning
me and my wife.

As the scripture says blessed in the man that maketh the Lord His trust.

We know where we are going and who we are going to be with, and await
the chauppa (Bridal transport), is not that better than staying in
coach to Sinkholesville?

May the Lord cause His face to shine on you and give you peace!

