Bonnie M (14 Oct 2013)
"re: "Why We Must Go First""


Thank you, Thank you for this contribution to 5 Doves.

I have been thinking exactly the same thing.  Nothing is going to happen until we are out of here - WE ARE THE PROBLEM FOR THE WORLD NOW.  Why, because we have the Father's ear.

That is why Syria is still standing; that is why the world governments continue to convulse in indecision and abuse of their citizens without being able to over come them; that is why (possibly) there is no Third Temple (though we could see the start of construction - maybe); that is why the two witnesses are no where in sight; that is why the we have not seen the mass human die offs per Revelation; and finally that is why the Anti-Christ has not revealed himself.

Even though we may be getting black and blue; the Church's presence in this realm has much more power than Lucifier - with a simple humble prayer to our Jesus - we are holding the black hearted devils back.

Your Sister in Christ - Bonnie M.