Barry Amundsen (29 Oct 2013)
"Recommended Reading: "The Shack" and "A Land Unknown Hell's Dominion""

"The Shack":
and "A Land Unknown Hell's Dominion":
About a year ago I was reading "The Shack" by William P. Young and there were some timely posts coinciding with my read about it here on the Doves, some for and some against the book.
I have just finished reading another book that I feel belongs right with The Shack in importance and insight into the important things of God. However this one is in the opposite direction as far as subject matter. Whereas The Shack was focused on getting to know God and how a relationship with Him can be, this book is focused on what happens to people who neglect a relationship with God and what becomes of them after they die. And even answers such questions as "Why is there such a place as hell?"
This book, unlike The Shack, is not a work of fiction but an actual experience by its author, Brian W. Melvin. He died and went to hell where he saw people in ten by ten foot cubes that operate something like the "hollow deck" in "Star Trek Next Generation". He was able to see into these cubes from a sort of double vision perspective that allowed him to see from outside as well as from inside as if he were in there with the person, yet knowing that it was all inside a cube. So while they were inside this small cube, yet to them they were reliving scenes from their life as though really there. They could be inside a dwelling or outside and if they walked anywhere, the ground under their feet would move like a conveyer belt or moving sidewalk to accommodate the walk and they would in fact not go anywhere but the scenery would move and change to appear to them as if they were going somewhere.
Though an atheist when he died, throughout this book, the author is taught very deep things by God about the nature of what life is all about. Especially right at the end, there is a summing up of what God is looking for in each life and what we can do to be a part of God's plan.
I would encourage anyone to read these two books together for a whole picture understanding of what it's all about.