Abe (4 Oct 2013)
"Rene: Noah Going into the ARK?"

Cheshvan 10 (October 14th) is when Noah went into the ark and God shut the door.  7 days later, on Chesvan 17th (Oct 21st) it rained for 40 days & 40 nights.

Also on Chesvan 10 (Oct 14/15th), Mars, Comet ISON and Regulus conjunct in Leo.

Listen to Pastor Mark Biltz from 25:00+  (He's talking 2012 dates.)

http://elshaddaiministries.podomatic.com/entry/2012-10-28T20_21_38-07_00 (Download MP3 at bottom)

The rains stopped right in the middle of Hannukah, 28:32, close to Comet ISON's perihelion.

Assuming the calendar is in sync, October 14th is a very high rapture watch date.

If raptured, I'd expect Oct 21st to begin a 40 day war in the heaens, and the fallen angel invasion.

The pattern would suggest the skies clear on Hannukah.

--just speculating,folks, but the patterns are interesting...