Steve Prieur (22 Oct 2002)
"Seeing 11:11 or seeing 2:22 everywhere!!!!"

I strongly believe this is a reminder to us that we are on a count down. I see it to frequently just today glancing at the clock i saw 1:11. Thats ok then awhile after i glance at the clock in my truck it'S 2:22. Now just a bit ago i glace at the clock it is 1:11. I seen a bumpee sticker today that had some writing and in large bold 1:11.

I have been saying this for awhile and i believe it is.coming Obama's Declaration of Marshall Law.

I am not certain how many of you have read my posts but. Everything i have seen is unfolding. Especially now that he is trailing in the polls. Monday night's poll will be a percurser to something historic. So buckle up it is going to get nasty after that debate if he looses.

The Raputure is not quite yet soon i believe but i think we are going to see some terrible things first. Then we will go, protect your family, faith, do not deny his name, and pray for others who are not saved.

God Bless The Doves and their families.
God Bless America