Rene (20 Oct 2012)
"to Kevin - re our voting record"

Many people "copped out" of voting when Hitler was coming into power because they felt that it was useless, their vote didn't count, and Jesus was coming soon anyway, so why bother? Our vote IS recorded in heaven. As long as we are still here, I am going to actively participate in the electoral process and pray about it all along the way. Ninevah was sinking too and about to go under God's wrath. He sent Jonah (via the long way - through the whale vomit) to go and preach to Ninevah and warn them. Many people in America are repenting. Our entire church is fasting. We are simply doing what we believe Jesus wants us to do right up until the time He comes to take us out. NOT VOTING is NOT a vote for Jesus! It is a declaration of indifference! Germany fell to Hitler because of the indifference and apathy of many thousands of CHRISTIANS. We are not to be a "silent" majority. We are to be fighting evil, not waiting for it to overtake us!