Lauren (20 Oct 2012)

John and doves,
Here's a obscure day to watch for when possibly "in a moment in one day" the virgin daughter of Babylon sitting on our Capitol Dome is cast down to the ground. Isaiah 47:1-9 This desolation is said to come upon us suddenly from where we do not know! Isaiah 47:11


While many believe November 29, 2012 is the day the "Seventy Weeks" prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 was "determined" it is also a "day to watch" in regards to the fulfillment of the destruction of Babylon, Revelation 18 and Jeremiah 50-51 along with other prophecies in our Bibles.

In the Hebraic calendar, the 65th Week of Daniel 9:24-27 ‘Feast of Weeks’ prophecy ENDED on September 17, 2012 BUT to those who understand the “Harbinger” prophecy of Isaiah 9:8-12 this should peek your interest?

In the New American Standard Bible, Isaiah 7:8-9 speaking about Syria and Ephraim/United States and “ANOTHER 65th year”, that I believe is the Gregorian calendars 2012 minus 1947 = 65 years calculation that they are adhering to.

The crux or meat of Daniel 9:24-27 is the dividing of God’s land that is expounded upon in Daniel 11:29-39 with the paralleling of Daniel 9:26b… and Daniel 11:31b… as proof text that trilaterally is confirmed in Matthew 24:15.

This link 12 Document A: Two Narratives - Center for International Studies explains why the “Seventy Feast of Weeks” were determined on November 29, 1947 and is so anti venerated by Israel’s regional enemies.

It was determined so it would lead up to a ‘Road Map to Peace’ of June 24, 2002, that would bring the whole world or "Quartet" to their dividing God’s land to the forefront SO Revelation 12:9-17 could be fulfilled on what I believe is the midst of the 66th week at Passover March 25, 2013.

An Ezekiel 33:6 watching one