John G (30 Oct 2012)



It is time for Christians, true followers of Jesus Christ, to rise up and say NO to satan this November!  if the upcoming election for President is between President Obama and Mitt Romney, it would truly be satan flipping a two-headed coin with his head on both sides!

There are more than two political parties recognized by the United States, including the Libertarian Party,Green Party and Constitution Party, to name a few. Each third party has a unique perspective on what the role of government is, but few citizens even know who’s running for third parties or what they stand for. The problem at hand is voters’ doubts perpetuated by the already-established two-party system that any third party will ever become large and powerful enough to make a difference in the presidential elections.  Perhaps, if we quickly research and find one of the 3rd. party candidates meeting the Biblical requirements, this election will turn things right side up!!  If nothing else write in the name of "JESUS" AS YOUR CANDIDATE OF CHOICE.

There are other choices for this election, are we ever left in the dark?  Let's let our light shine.  We all know "with God all things are possible."  Could we get the help with the research and then get this out to all of our e-mail friends???

Any thoughts???

John G. Tampa, FL