Gerlinda (20 Oct 2012)
"Damascus, within and without"


What a contrast there is within the Body of Christ; we in the West, watch for the
Destruction of Damascus according to Isaiah 17, while those that live there, are
Experiencing a daily "nightmare" beyond anything most of us could even imagine.
Please take the time to read this account.   Matthew 5 (the number for Grace) The
Beatitudes tell us who are Blessed and their reward.    Thank You!  gerlinda  
The Body of Believers in Damascus has been busy since the start of the conflict, meeting the needs of suffering people and empowering ministry workers to spread the Gospel. It is very hard to count the number of internally displaced people within Syria's borders, but many Christians have fled their communities and are gathering together for safety. Many have fled to other countries but the border is being watched and even crossing through the wilderness at night can be deadly.