Frank R Molver (22 Oct 2012)
"Nicole, Jimmy re newborn 2 years from now"
In the above letter Nicole mentions seeing her newborn in a dream as 2 years old but not sure what it meant
I would like to point out that Jimmy Lishman also shared a similar experience of seeing the age of his grand children.
At the time he saw them they were not born yet when he had the vision, but they are here now
If I am not mistaken, his time frame may line up with Nicole's
I also shared of seeing a child of my 2nd son about a month before it was conceived.
I told my son and he was startled, the child looked around 3 years old.
His baby girl, Emma, was born last March.
I hope I am wrong.
Because that might mean we are here a couple more years.
And if Obama wins he is going to take revenge on those who actually believe what the bible says.
That was a warning I received the day before he was elected the first time.
But that would also mean that there is going to be a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit during persecution
If we are fearful we can't enter into that.
Irregardless, be encouraged, he will show himself strong.