Frank R Molver (22 Oct 2012)
"Sandra re banned Kleck vid's"
re your above post
I hope you read Rene's responce re your questions, it is very good.
As I shared before Clay, who made these video's with Kleck wrote one in July re this.
I would hope Clay would again respond personally
Seems he was just a passer by.
As for the site that banned his video's, I am aware of that.
I was led there by a nice fellow from there who posts here occasionally
When I saw how they handled this issue of Kleck so rashly I was disturbed
It is much better having a level headed moderator who is less trigger happy
Miscommunication is the death of many good things
Jonathan has a lot of strange things but he has also had some excellent revelation
I am sure he is not above correction as we should be also.