David Blackman (30 Oct 2012)
"Outstanding Ernest!"



Ernest P (29 Oct 2012)

I am voting for Romney Why because he can do better than we have had. I am not hiring him to be my spiritual adviser I am hiring him to run the country in place of the Godless Government we have had. To not vote or to purposely waste my vote is not an option.


If I was sick and in need of medical care and I had a choice of a spirit filled Pastor and a Dr. who is an atheist (or Mormon) I would choose the Dr. because he is the right one for the Job I need at that time, again I am not looking to him for spiritual advice.


If I was to apply the logic to not vote for Romney that has been displayed here in my life then I could not ever do anything including shop because of the beliefs of the owner and/or workers there. Or is it OK to be a hypocrite in that area?


If you can't vote for him because he is a moron to do this job then how is it OK to shop is a store where the owner/manager isn't the same religion as you.

Again I am not or never would seek spiritual advice from him, but he is all we have to select from and he is the better or the 2.


Personally I think it would be  pretty arrogant of anyone to waste the vote and then run to the Lord crying in prayer about how bad it has become since the election.



David Blackman,