Carol Garza (22 Oct 2012)
"To Rene re dual natures"

Hi Rene,
I wholeheartedly agreed with everything you wrote in your post.  We were born with a sin nature and when we became born AGAIN, we inherited a heavenly Divine nature.  But before being born again, we were not partly fallen angels or fallen angels.

I have done my share of indepth study of the fallen angels and the Nephelim, alien abductions, hybrids and the like.  " as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man.'.  Them Nephelim are going to roam the earth if they aren't already.

I have a story to tell you guys (doves).  A few months ago, I was called to jury duty.  I was given a free bus pass, so I used it to save gas.

On the way home, the bus driver stopped to pick up a passenger. The guy in front of me was a regular and made a comment about the fellow boarding.  As he was stepping up, I immediately began to pray for him as he was deformed.

He was in his early to mid 30s I would guess. He was missing an ear and barely had his eyes open.  They were like slits but he could see just fine.  He had a plastic bag with him.  As he sat down, he began to make weird sounds.  He could not talk.  He grunted and snorted the entire time. He would try to get the guy in front of me's attention by grunting.  When the guy looked at him the weird guy made motions folding his hands, placing them against his cheek acting as if he was sleeping.  The guy in front of me did not know what he was trying to communicate.  All this time, I felt sorry for the guy who did not look normal by any stretch of the imagination.  

Soon I noticed he was all tattooed and in the plastic bag was a can of beer.

Had he been in a gang and beat to a pulp???

But as he stepped off the bus grunting and snorting, I wondered if he was demon possessed or possibly a hybrid.

Very - very strange "person" indeed.

Blessings and peace!!?

Carol Garza