Carol (16 Oct 2002)
"Steven K's October 15 post on Romney/Billy Graham meeting"

In Response to the October 15th letter posted by Steven K. about whether the meeting between Mitt Romney and  Rev. Billy Graham is a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy? I'd just like to say in answer to that, while we may have to be somewhat suspicious of any and all meeting of religious heads, I do not think that there is any thing here other than pure politics to be found. Mitt Romney realizes that getting Brother Graham's endorsement would go far with the evangelical voter and is just trying to fill a void that President Barack Obama just doesn't care about or even wants.  He already has his crowd of atheists, agnostics, one worlders, new age religionist, and apostate mainline  christian denominations in his corner. So Romney is just trying to trump Obama here and it is what seems like a good smart move. As for Billy Graham...he and his son Franklin have already been comparing notes and neither wants to see this Muslim continue in the office of POTUS any longer.